catfish and coyotes


New member
Sep 6, 2014

Cats and dogs.
Spring in Mt. the gophers are laying dead on the roads.
The robins, seagulls and pelicans are come back.
The roads turn to mush as the permafrost melts.
AND the river opens.
My part of the river gets darn absent of fish in the winter.
About the only thing to stay are the trout , whitefish, and Ling.
As it goes the red tailed suckers and channel cats show up and very close behind that are the walleye and goldeye.
The coyotes are in full rut, and very aggressive.
We took the opportunity to check it out.
We Done good.
Did some calling from the mud boat and some fishing.
Stream access lets us fish and to hunt "IN THE WATER" to the high water mark. A lot of the river is private so to call we have to hit State or Federal lands along side the river or have the dogs come up on the shore ice. Doable.
Along the river is mostly "Brakes country " which means 100 to 300 foot high bentonite cliffs at least on one side. Seldom can you get out and hike. we call right from the boat. We tuck it in to grass or on the down wind side of a "Sluff off" that's in the water.

WE HAD DOGS EVERY WHERE. They come in so fast there hard to stop for a shot two we thought they where going to jump in to the boat, FUN. One day I'll bring the 870 and do it right.
The boy had his new Kimber 6.5 Creedmoor, DIL had her 204 dimension, and I had the 22/250. The 6 is still not perfect zero with the 55 gr'ers. The coyotes are mostly rubbed out now so fur is not an issue. All things have to come together to actually "GET" a coyote but it's great fun.
We would toss out our poles and fish for cat fish and call . One group of 4 coyotes started in at a mile or so and by the time I got rearranged in the boat for a shot 2 had got by me. There the ones that nearly ended up in the boat, actually knocked dirt in to it off the cliff above us. Then a 3re slipped by me, but the forth stopped but behind the branches of the only spindly tree. I found a space in the scope that was on its chest and fired. That very instant a 5th dog showed up and stood up right in front of the 4th. I hit it dead center face. I mean the nose ,broke both jaws knocked out every tooth and destroyed it's tongue. but hit the brain with the shrapnel .
Rolled him off the cliff in to the river. By then we had two fish on the line and had to get them in and the boat moving and NET the coyote. Ever try to bring in a soaked coyote ? Dang they carry a bunch of water. More fishing More calling, gosh I love my river...
One spot we had a coyote just show up and wan to join the party .
I grabbed the 22 pistol and pointed it pulled the trigger misted and then jam, put it down and pulled up on the then running coyote in a rocking boat with my 22/250 , got a shot and fired . A little low and far back but spun it. It made it on to private land and fell in to a hole. dang it.







That’s some tough man hydro turf on the bow of your boat. Are you running your mm for shallows or mud? I own a surface drive rig and have had a couple long shaft mm in the past. I use mine for waterfowl, hunting,trapping and fishing. And partying on the river.
Whoa! Looks like you had your hands full! Grats on your River run.
This time of year our "goto" bait for cats is the same as for early walleye, Live minnows on a jig.
Contrary then popular belief Cat fish are a predator fish and will crush minnows on a jig.
The front of the boat is covered in expanded aluminum for traction , LOTS of mud around here.
The MM is for shallow water the river can have some long stretches of 6" deep water .
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