Broken Record Bill

This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Totally against this but it doesnt help when the current fed administration shuts down all new natural resource production on federal lands in a state like WY.
This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Totally against this but it doesnt help when the current fed administration shuts down all new natural resource production on federal lands in a state like WY.

This is not true. The pause on leasing does not affect any current lease or APD. The thing that is hurting Wyoming financially is the free market. People will tell you that Biden is shutting down production on public land as a way to enflame passions and not think critically.

Don't fall for it.
This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Totally against this but it doesnt help when the current fed administration shuts down all new natural resource production on federal lands in a state like WY.
Yeah, I say just drill the hell out of Montana...

Ben Lamb beat me to the rest of the story.
@Ben Lamb @teamhoyt

There is a 60 day hold on drilling permits and leasing. The BLM has taken permits to mean any permits, so you may have your well permit in hand, but you won't get your permit to build your tank battery.

That said, there are only 5 rigs in WY right now.
EOG- 3
Jonah- 1
Anschutz -1

Jonah's acreage is largely fed and the Jonah field is almost entirely gas, EOG and Anschutz have a mix of state, private, and fed. I'd guess that both could keep their rigs running off of fed for the rest of the year. There most economic locations may or may not be on fed, I have no idea.

The nature of WY OG regs, you permit everything possible all at once. This is different then say Texas where you permit what's in the near term. Therefore I think if the intent is to cool the jets on OG development the BLM is attempting to adhere to the intent of Biden's order by stopping ancillary permits.
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This is not true. The pause on leasing does not affect any current lease or APD. The thing that is hurting Wyoming financially is the free market. People will tell you that Biden is shutting down production on public land as a way to enflame passions and not think critically.

Don't fall for it.
Ha. Does not affect any current lease? Give me a break.
@Ben Lamb @teamhoyt

There is a 60 day hold on drilling permits and leasing. The BLM has taken permits to mean any permits, so you may have your well permit in hand, but you won't get your permit to build your tank battery.

That said, there are only 5 rigs in WY right now.
EOG- 3
Jonah- 1
Anschutz -1

Jonah's acreage is largely fed and the Jonah field is almost entirely gas, EOG and Anschutz have a mix of state, private, and fed. I'd guess that both could keep their rigs running off of fed for the rest of the year. There most economic locations may or may not be on fed, I have no idea.

The nature of WY OG regs, you permit everything possible all at once. This is different then say Texas where you permit what's in the near term. Therefore I think if the intent is to cool the jets on OG development the BLM is attempting to adhere to the intent of Biden's order by stopping ancillary permits.
What if any impact does shutting down the Dakota access pipeline have on WY O&G in your opinion.
What if any impact does shutting down the Dakota access pipeline have on WY O&G in your opinion.
I would imagine it makes WY oil a bit more competitive as the pipeline would have reduced takeaway costs for Bakken oil.

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