Black hills turkeys: which state?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
Timberville, VA
Starting to research a possible Merriam hunt this spring and started focussing on South Dakota. Then I slowly started to look at Wyoming more and more and then glanced at Nebraska. It appears there is negligible cost difference and seasons are very similar but it appears success rates vary. Am I missing something? Do all the states tabulate data in the same way?

Curious to get any insight for a state of destination.
how is South Dakota not on your short list? Fly to rapid, stay in hill city, turkey hunt and see all the touristy stuff before the tourists get there.
Maybe I should've been more clear. Looking at SD, WY and maybe NE. I'm having a hard time finding much difference to make me pick one or the other and was curious to get some experienced opinions.
I’ve shot turkeys in NE and WY, haven’t hunted SD. I don’t think you can go wrong in any if you don’t mind competition. It’s a fun time of year to be out.
Every turkey hunter should hunt those pine covered hills at least once in there lives.
I've hunted SD and NE, my experience has been more turkeys and more pressure in NE I enjoyed SD slightly more just because of less hunting pressure, but i had to work harder to find turkeys in SD. You really can't go wrong with either place in my opinion.