Bitterroot Wolves


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
As if everyone does not have enough to do, the USFWS is looking for public comment on FWP's application to use the 10(j) rule in the ESA to remove 18 wolves from the hard hit West Fork of the Bitterroot. The dead line is April 12th.

Just 5 short years ago spring counts showed almost 2000 elk in that hunting district, last spring just a touch over 700 and falling. 6 weeks of archery hunting followed by 5 weeks of rifle hunting has been replaced by a total of 25 BTB permits to be used either in archery season or rifle season. Cow hunting has all but been eliminated.

Here is a link to the online comment form. It takes just a few minutes to fill out. We need the help.!submitComment;D=FWS-R6-ES-2011-0022-0053
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I went to fill it out but what do you put as organization, submitters representative, gov. agency type? Sorry it might be simple but I'm not sure what to put down. Thanks
You don't have to fill that part out. Only the items marked with a * are required. Thanks Bart!

Just submitted comment on behalf of Headwaters. We will mail the link to our members, asking them to do the same.

Good luck on this.
Thanks Randy, Its been a slow process and a bandaid on a massive wound, but when it comes to wolves we will take anything we can get .
Got it done. Thanks for keeping us updated on things we can do to help.
As if everyone does not have enough to do, the USFWS is looking for public comment on FWP's application to use the 10(j) rule in the ESA to remove 18 wolves from the hard hit West Fork of the Bitterroot. The dead line is April 12th.

Just 5 short years ago spring counts showed almost 2000 elk in that hunting district, last spring just a touch over 700 and falling. 6 weeks of archery hunting followed by 5 weeks of rifle hunting has been replaced by a total of 25 BTB permits to be used either in archery season or rifle season. Cow hunting has all but been eliminated.

Here is a link to the online comment form. It takes just a few minutes to fill out. We need the help.!submitComment;D=FWS-R6-ES-2011-0022-0053

tjones, I'll do. Will you call or email leg/guv opposing HB 159. Reciprocal back scratching:)
Trading 18 wolves for a heavily amended ammo bill? I am all over it.
I am serious all ready sent in my comments. All though by 5:00 I am fairly cynical myself. I want 18 dead wolves.Really.
I can't, my real job has me tied down. SS and 3 others are headed to Helena though.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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