Awesome First Elk Hunt


New member
May 2, 2017
Hunted CO this year with a buddy from work, both of us being first time elk hunters. Special thanks to Big Fin for the kick in the butt to go by making so many how to videos and eliminating all excuses with the Hunt Elk every year clip. I'm a Midwest convert drinking the public land Kool-Aid now.

We both scoured the OnX maps and used both phone and GPS but I highly recommend the phone version with a portable charger (Anker version recommended on here was awesome and have me 6 full re-charges from one battery pack). When we put boots on the ground for first rifle we had a sharp reality check at the trailhead- what looked like solid 2 track was a VERY rough ATV trail with lots of pressure.

Stubborn or stupid we hiked in 6 miles past those smart enough to have horses and set up camp. We scouted a day and a half and saw cool country but no elk. Opening morning saw plenty of muleys and snow midday. Sat and glasses on a high knob all day but didn't see any elk until last 30 minutes of legal, too far to stalk.

After two days in the NFS high country we moved to some lower BLM. It took time but we eventually found the elk- crossing the road every night into the next unit lol.

After a week we packed up and headed home. No bull for either of us, we learned at least one person should have a meat tag :)

I want to extend a sincere thank you to all members on here for the trips/tricks/and gear suggestions. Also a very big thank you to Connie, from the Meeker area. As a first time non-resident elk hunter from the Midwest it was humbling to talk with you for that afternoon. The experience and advice you shared was unbelievably generous, and I am challenging myself to be as helpful to the next generation of hunters.

Top 3 takeaways:

1. Go Elk Hunting (as a kid from the Midwest I always dreamed of hunting elk and when you put pen to paper almost anyone can afford a hunt)
2. Use and OnxMaps to plan ahead, but be ready for the inevitable curve ball
3. Give back. If you go on a high country elk hunt once you will be an advocate for public lands and all the opportunity they provide.

If any new elk hunter is heading out next year and wants to skip a few of the mistakes we made let me know. I'll share what little knowledge I have because more people need to get into this awesome sport
Awesome learning experience man nice work pretty cool hiking in that gorgeous country & having to figure it all out!
Just from the thread title I expected this to be a hunt with a harvest, but I'd say you guys definitely had a successful hunt. Honestly, as a fellow elk hunting novice, it can be a blessing to not harvest anything because it can cut a hunt short, and then you don't get to learn as much as you could have. You guys saw some elk though, so you're doing something right. Considering your great attitude after a no-harvest hunt, I'd say you're probably hooked. As Big Fin would say, "Put in the work, and sooner or later lucks gonna turn your way."
Glad to hear you had such a great time. You learn so much on each trip and hopefully next time results in a punched tag.
I am brand new to all of this to, just had my first hunt we went for cow elk though. Can't say it enough it is one of the most amazing things i have done. Thanks for sharing!
That sounds like an awesome trip. Anytime I can get into the woods and see some animals, I consider it a success. Myself and probably one or two friends will be going to CO for the 2019 otc elk hunt. I would like to go this year, but this year will be about recouping expenses from moving and focusing on my family's health. Any help you can give me on how to plan my first out of state (and elk) hunt would be great. Thanks in advance.
Congrats on a good hunt! As I'm typing this I'm scouring the internet planning my first elk hunt as well for next season. One question I recently came across tonight was whether to do the onX for GPS or phone app. Care to elaborate why you preferred the phone app?
3. Give back. If you go on a high country elk hunt once you will be an advocate for public lands and all the opportunity they provide.

Now that you learned what is @ stake, thanks for advocating w people you know who haven't been on the public ground that is @ risk.

Every year you hunt, you learn another volume. Elk don't. You'll catch up and get one sooner than later.
Any time spent hunting, especially with friends or family is a success. Great attitude and keep at it. You'll have success AND a punched tag soon hopefully.

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