Caribou Gear

Antelope and deer?


New member
Aug 25, 2015
I’m thinking about applying for antelope next year in wyoming with my dad and brother. We all have 2 pronghorn points and 3 deer points. Does it make any sense to try to double up and hunt pronghorn and deer or would that be pushing our luck. I have never hunted WY before and don’t know if there are units that hold good numbers of both. Im not really concerned with trophy quality. Any help would be great, thanks in advance!
If you're not familiar with the area you will be hunting probably not the best idea. No sense in burning points trying to fit in two hunts in a short period of time. Now if you have the ability to do multiple weeks or do archery and come back in rifle giving you an extended hunt then it may be worth considering but I personally wouldn't unless I was really familiar with the areas. I say do your lope hunt this year get to know the area, if you tag out early do some scouting for deer, and if you think it's worth it to put in for deer next year if you have the points to draw. Maybe even see if you can pick up a doe antelope tag too.
I wouldn't do a multi-species hunt with multiple guys. Solo, it's easily doable.

Especially, if you rode together and only have that one set of wheels. If you tag your Lope on the first day and then want to work on deer and the other guy can’t get his Lope it starts creating tension. Just stick to one and get doe tags.
Lots of things to consider, with the amount of time you have being the first.

If you have a full 7-10 days to hunt, its possible in a lot of areas to do a deer/pronghorn hunt with 2-3 guys, in particular since you aren't going to be picky.
It is doable.

I would recommend getting your feet wet with the antelope hunt and take some time to scout for a deer unit for the following season.
I did what most guys have already said, stuck to one specie.

This year was my first season in WY, I ended up getting Antelope buck and doe tags and chose not to apply for a deer license. I think it was the right call, I could've easily filled both Antelope and Deer buck tags as there were no shortage of deer around but I didn't know that when I applied.

It was my first time in WY and I knew nothing of the area, E-Scouting only gets you so far. Next year, I'll be getting a buck tag for sure and I know there is a good chance I can fill two buck tags but it could've easily been the other way around. I was hunting alone and as much as I would've had lots of opportunities on mule deer, I only connected with an antelope on the fourth day of a five day hunt. I can easily see how having more than one hunter with one vehicle could mess things up. My advice to you, get antelope tags and use this as a scouting trip for the next year.
There are places where you can pull an antelope tag and a general deer tag without burning your points, but the tags will be harder to fill. With your parameters I would think you’d need at least 7 days of hunting to justify burning your points or and/or spending the money on special tags.
We did that two years ago and it was a pain, we had drew deer tags in the antelope unit for the previous three years and figured what the he'll we've finally got enough points to draw the antelope tag so we put in for both, problem was they cut the number of deer tags in our first choice unit and we ended up drawing our second choice deer unit which was a bit difficult of drive between the two. Long story short we ended up eating the deer tags because there just wasn't enough time to do both, if I were you I would really think hard about it and look at it through multiple lenses

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