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471 AZ bull

Quite the Army! Great Bull from My Home State . $ well spent ,goes to a good cause. At least JJ was cool enough to admit He's not much of a Hunter. That was funny. Not an A3 Fan but thats what they get paid to do no matter how many guys they used ,I guess they did there job.Like I said He paid alot of $ for that tag and it goes to a good cause.Congrats to Jimmy John.......................BOB!
Yeah, I’m a bit at a loss of words on this one. A side of “hunting” that is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum than anything I’ve ever experienced. And don’t really have any interest to. I didn’t sense a lot of reverence for that impressive bull in this video. He deserved better.
Unbelievable bull...the posse clamor during the shot sequence....weird, but these deals are effective advertisement for next year's tags.
Alot of dynamics in play here to pull at everyone's ethical, moral and competitive heartstrings. Fast forward to 28.30 on the video, as that helped "ease" my mind a little bit about the trigger man. I'm always skeptical of BS when the camera is on, but the guy (Jimmy John) at least has some self-awareness.

As for the guy who backed off for the, what a pill to swallow. He deserves some cred for his humility for sure. Can't help but wonder if he wasn't the victim of his own loose lips, though. I mean, how'd all those guides swoop in to land on that bull in the first place? They had to have heard about it from someone else, right?

At the end of the day, this bull has done and will have done ALOT for conservation given the $$ involved. The video, maybe not so much but there are some moments in there that help mitigate the sour taste in my mouth.

Thanks for sharing.
Pretty much the exact same deal in the breaks for sheep. Kinda thing can almost ruin it for a guy. While governor tags bring an insane amount of money in and goes towards conservation, it's pretty wild how those hunts are executed and how things are actually "legit" 30 people, horses, choppas, boats, etc etc. A double edged sword....... that bull is unbelievable though.
is there any sort of regulation that would help rein this in? No more than 2 or 3 "helpers"? would be tough to enforce
I am all for the conservation side of the Governors tags and the monies that it supports. However, it can give a bad taste for what I call traditional hunting. It is sad that it has become such a big business.
Alot of dynamics in play here to pull at everyone's ethical, moral and competitive heartstrings. Fast forward to 28.30 on the video, as that helped "ease" my mind a little bit about the trigger man. I'm always skeptical of BS when the camera is on, but the guy (Jimmy John) at least has some self-awareness.

As for the guy who backed off for the, what a pill to swallow. He deserves some cred for his humility for sure. Can't help but wonder if he wasn't the victim of his own loose lips, though. I mean, how'd all those guides swoop in to land on that bull in the first place? They had to have heard about it from someone else, right?

At the end of the day, this bull has done and will have done ALOT for conservation given the $$ involved. The video, maybe not so much but there are some moments in there that help mitigate the sour taste in my mouth.

Thanks for sharing.
I’m sure the A3 guys knew about this bull on their own. Scouting all year along with shed hunting. Hard to keep secrets. It seems like they guide a lot of these auction hunts every year. One of the “go to” operations in the state. Loved JJ’s comments about how he’s not much of a hunter and they do t make sandwiches
I guess I don't see what having 20 people there hurts. Those guys were scattered across the state all summer searching for a giant bull of that caliber which leads to more money raised in future hunts. If I were one of those guides I darn sure would like to put my hands on it too.
Incredible public land bull. And a unique twist to the story with the guy who had been watching the bull for a couple years. I'm glad he got to show and tell his part of it
I guess I don't see what having 20 people there hurts. Those guys were scattered across the state all summer searching for a giant bull of that caliber which leads to more money raised in future hunts. If I were one of those guides I darn sure would like to put my hands on it too.
Incredible public land bull. And a unique twist to the story with the guy who had been watching the bull for a couple years. I'm glad he got to show and tell his part of it

The thing is, those guides are NOT scattered all over the state looking for these animals. They scatter all over social media until they find a photo or video of the animal they think warrants a GOV tag, at which point money is exchanged in return for GPS coordinates from the person that knows where the animal is. That bull was shot on my relative's cattle lease. Amazing bull nonetheless. Glad to see that with the amount of hunters, big glass, long range rifles and social media an animal like that can still survive long enough to get that big.
Why open this season so early? The bull is still in process of shedding his velvet. Didn't even get a chance to polish up the tips and rub on trees which give the antler some of its color and beauty. I ran into scouts last year in Montana HD 270 while looking for my own mule deer. They were on the payroll from sun up to sun down seven days a week looking for the right buck. The hunter basically said call me when you find a shooter and I will hop on a plane and fly in to shoot it. As others have said, great for raising money and employing some locals, but not something I would ever want to be a part of. To each his own.
What bothers me the most is the fact that a guy that admits he's not a hunter can kill an animal at 960 yards. I guess just because he's not a hunter it doesn't mean he doesn't spend a lot of time shooting. My point is, as someone who likes to hunt and in general just enjoys being able to see big animals, I know there's going to be less and less of them around as long range guns gain in popularity. I get it, everyone wants things to be easier. I have to admit, there's been times I've been hunting where I found myself wishing I had a rifle that allowed me to shoot farther. It's just not sustainable, we aren't making more big bucks and bulls but we are making it easier to kill them.
Why open this season so early? The bull is still in process of shedding his velvet. Didn't even get a chance to polish up the tips and rub on trees which give the antler some of its color and beauty. I ran into scouts last year in Montana HD 270 while looking for my own mule deer. They were on the payroll from sun up to sun down seven days a week looking for the right buck. The hunter basically said call me when you find a shooter and I will hop on a plane and fly in to shoot it. As others have said, great for raising money and employing some locals, but not something I would ever want to be a part of. To each his own.


While I don’t know the real super specifics on this hunt, as I’ve never had the money to look into it that much. These high dollar tags are open for an entire year. Say it’s August 1 2020 - July 31st 2021. The have a LONG time to track down a giant bull but if they’ve got one pegged right off the bat they’re not going to screw around. It’s also why you’ll see some giant AZ bulls hit the dirt in july. It’s from the guys with tons of money who’s tag is about to come to an end.
Really beautiful bull. Love that the $$ goes to conservation. If I compare that to one of Randy’s videos there is a difference. I know which I prefer.
Why open this season so early? The bull is still in process of shedding his velvet. Didn't even get a chance to polish up the tips and rub on trees which give the antler some of its color and beauty. I ran into scouts last year in Montana HD 270 while looking for my own mule deer. They were on the payroll from sun up to sun down seven days a week looking for the right buck. The hunter basically said call me when you find a shooter and I will hop on a plane and fly in to shoot it. As others have said, great for raising money and employing some locals, but not something I would ever want to be a part of. To each his own.
I believe the season for this tag opened August 15. Archery deer opened a week later. Basically there is a hunt in that unit from now until the end of spring Bear. A chance to hunt him undisturbed would be my guess. It is a 365 day season too. Also hunt before the rut so he’s not busted up
Its quite the amazing bull. The video of all the guys standing around the carcass after it is down is just unbelievable to me. Of all the elk I have ever shot I have never had more than 1 other person with me and they certainly weren't there to find and take care of the animal for me.

It is great to see how humble he is when talking about the animal and that he wasn't the one responsible for finding it. One thing that gets me though is for him to shoot this animal I don't think he would fully appreciate it as much as the guy that tracked it for a couple years or any other person that put in the work themselves to get a bull like this.
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