1 carabou ?!?!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
What the FUGG ?

I just got a letter from the Outfitter saying Non Res can Only take one 'bou now and Not 2 due to the New NON res laws... please Advise !!!!
Kwitcher Whinin'... One is enough, and if you need to look at two, you can come over to the Trailer Park and see mine....
OK Oscar, heres whats up. It looks like hes taking you to GMU 16 (Probably subunit 16B). Its one bull for res and non-res. Basically its the very edge of the mulchatna herd. There might be some bou but you probably wont see the big herds like you would in the GMU's to the west. It sounds like he doesnt plan on bringing you to far from where you will be moose hunting. I'd ask him if its possible to fly you guys a little farther west and hit 17B or 17C. If he wont, I would definitly bring your rifle and first decent bull you see, I'd drop it. Plan on walking alot. Just my humble opinion of course. I've never hunted 16B so dont quote me on it, I've hunt 17B and its some good bou territory.
Damn lilbiggun,

You are much more compassionate and sympathetic than I am....

I still think he probably hunts too much anyway, and should stay home and work a bit more....
Actually I'm not that sympathetic. I have sympathy for his dad though
. I think it would be good for oscar to walk long distances over tundra

I think hunting is his full time job and "work" is a part time job in between hunting seasons for him.
Yeah, I agree, his dad deserves better....

And nothing like a couple of miles of walking in the tundra, with that springy baskeball sized crap turning ankles under a heavy pack of Bou meat. It'll be good for the boy....
Thanx For the Update. I'll be calling ther Guides and Seeing whats up

HEy ElkGunner... *COUGH*fugger*COUGH*

LBG, missed yer call, I'll drop you a line later in the Week, thanx for the "FYI" !!!
I actually read the regs tonight and it seems they are not bull shitting. It surprises me since the herd is so big, since the herd suffers from hoof rot (to many bou).

I'd still find out what unit your gonna be hunting in.
I think its the 9 unit and around there somewere ?!!? I'll have to re look it up. I did Call them and Looks like it's Official... So Much for Wacking one then holding out

OHHH well, After a moose and a black bear and 1 wolf (19 gut shot ones) I think 1 bou will be enough

Seriously though, After getting Skunked ion Cnada because I passed stuff Up I'm not feeling bad one bit, If I pass too many up and Not get one.... Thats how it goes...

(I.E. I'm killing something but all that sounded good right ?!?!?
If its unit 9, then I would say it would be somewhere either around king salmon or iliamna. I've hunted out of Iliamna before....windy somebitch.
Wind.... Wind doesn't bother me...

(Later that year...) Sitting in his Tent after the 33rd consecutive hour of 50-70 MPH wind the front pegs start to come loose from the 2 man tent. Moosie lunges for the front flap as it tears in the wind. The rain has slowed to a pour but is still pounding the Tent with Jack hammer like force. Knowing days are slipping by, Moosie thinks back to a post he made on HuntTalk.com about Wind not bothering him as he slowly drifts to sleep......

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