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  1. W

    Guy Eastman on "corner crossing" ruling

    No matter what your work is, what you do for fun (or what forums you visit!) - there always seems to be a relentless self promoter. Blow hard? Eastmans always seemed to be (since the 90s). But looks like a better job than mine
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    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    Carl - Only takes a bad apple or two. I’m new to this forum , but it seems like landowners are lumped into a one category; my experience (wyoming ranch raised) is there are two big categories: Outside big dollar dudes buying big parcels for their own enjoyment; and multi generational ranching...
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    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    I’m so new to this, new to this - the above was a reply to buzzed
  4. W

    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    Dang I like to hunt, I like hunters, I like to talk about hunting, only reason I’m here. Appreciate your points, but the approach makes me want to share: When my daughter was a teenager, I told her to wait until she was in a better mood to engage folks when she thought they were wrong, or was...
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    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    But if you haven’t lived it; if it’s not your gate containing your livelihood; if it’s not your road to maintain; it would be easy to not notice. And easy to not empathize.
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    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    If it’s private land, it would be useful to think of it as “granting” access for responsible hunters, but not “denying” access after a series of costly or destructive experiences.
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    Wyoming joins the elk wars

    Spot on assessment. The few places in the area that are trying to make a living from their property allow about as much access as can be tolerated; especially given the super long seasons (Aug-Jan). Keeps the elk off their place half the year, but doesn’t reduce the population much, as those...
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    Judge Rules in Favor of Corner Crossing Hunters

    Here’s my hope: Sportsman band together and corner cross all the billionaire turned major landowners land across the west; the same people have created conditions that very few multi-generation RANCH families have been able to continue. I hope this DOES devalue their property; maybe keeping...
  9. W

    Guy Eastman on "corner crossing" ruling

    Here’s my hope: Sportsman band together and corner cross all the billionaire turned major landowners land across the west; the same people have created conditions that very few multi-generation RANCH families have been able to continue. I hope this DOES devalue their property; maybe keeping...
  10. W

    Corner crossing waypoint 6 dropped.

    Here’s my hope: Sportsman band together and corner cross all the billionaire turned major landowners land across the west; the same people have created conditions that very few multi-generation RANCH families have been able to continue. I hope this DOES devalue their property; maybe keeping...
  11. W

    What am I missing? Wyoming Antelope 38-2

    Was new last year (as others have mentioned); plus it’s close to the largest density of residents. I wonder if the type 1 applicants decreased this year. I can see a lot of residents with access to places south of 34 applying for a type 1 last year, learning their lesson and putting type 2...
  12. W

    Wyoming Pronghorn 2023

    Your COPD will not be a limitation for the 95% of the pronghorn hunting out there, I wouldn’t use it as a selection criteria. Do account for the altitude though. If you don’t want to try to secure private land access, but want to do it on one point, you will be looking at areas with more...
  13. W

    Is there a "point creep" solution?

    Eliminating the option to buy “points only”, and require the applicant to apply for the license to get a point would go along way to increasing attrition and decreasing creep
  14. W

    Moose Hunting Tips

    WyoDoug The odds are long, but I sure appreciate your excitement; and shoot , it can happen! And it’s fun to talk about and think about either way! I am no moose guide; but was fortunate to have an area 17 tag back in the 90’s when there were lots of moose; and more recently in area 5, when...
  15. W

    Wyoming Bill- HB 0043

    To be honest, I don’t read Eastman’s stuff, so I’m not familiar with his 53 years assessment or how he came to it. One thing is for sure: historic attrition numbers, % point holders actually applying, and other data points are going to drastically change in the next few years, so it is not...
  16. W

    Wyoming Bill- HB 0043

    A lot has been posted on the change in WY to a 90/10 split; particularly if preference points will be applicable, or if a shift to bonus points or squared bonus points is in the future. I had a model to estimate the time it may have taken to draw a mid-tier bighorn tag in the preference point...

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