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  1. Shyboomer

    The Antelope Prayer

    The prayer worked!!!! 😀
  2. Shyboomer

    The Antelope Prayer

    Dear Lord we made it to Wyoming. Please dont let the Antelope see us coming. May other hunters have good luck. But please don’t let them shoot my buck! My whole life I’ve walked with your hand. Do me a solid and keep em off private land. Season’s eve I have so much hope. Lord let me shoot my...
  3. Shyboomer

    how much cooler for a processed Elk

    I put 4 quarters (and backstraps, loins, misc) in 2 large 150 ct coleman coolers this fall with frozen jugs of ice. I would think one 150 ct cooler would work for processed elk (no bones and packaged)
  4. Shyboomer

    Should I get a doe tag unit 27?

    My dad and I are heading to Wyoming for our first Antelope hunt in unit 102. I noticed there are around 900 leftover whitetail doe tags for unit 27 (same unit as our Antelope) is it worth grabbing a whitetail doe tag to have in our pocket or are deer pretty scarce in that unit? They are cheap...
  5. Shyboomer

    Evidence of sex question

    Appreciate all of your feedback. I think we will keep an organ attached to a piece of the animal and cut and vac seal the rest that. Of course, we have to shoot one first!🙂
  6. Shyboomer

    Evidence of sex question

    I understand evidence of sex has to be with the animal until it is taken to a processor. We plan on processing(cutting and vac sealing) our antelope and then putting them in our freezer for the trip back to Oregon. Once we process the animal, can we dispose of the head at that point or do we...
  7. Shyboomer

    Wyoming Unit 102 Antelope Questions

    I really appreciate your insight. Ive been on the hunt planner and downloaded OnX maps. Didn’t cross my mind to go to county website to look at road maps. Thank you!!
  8. Shyboomer

    Wyoming Unit 102 Antelope Questions

    My dad and I put in for a non-resident Wyoming Unit 102 Antelope hunt. We drew the tags (100% draw buck tag and two doe tags each) I have done quite a bit of reading and I know that much of the land is private and a lot of public land is landlocked. I will call the area biologist in a few weeks...