Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. G

    Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

    This isn't true at all jims!! I do know something about you because I spoke with you several times about you using a disabled NR points to hunt 90 (Wyoming) this year. I was willing to help you, but after hearing your attitude towards the disabled hunter, and your concern about YOU killing a big...
  2. G

    Litter or Stealing?

    Litter, good on you.
  3. G

    Don’t Make Yourself a Target

    FI460, I too grew up in Siskyou. What years? Left as soon as I could and headed to Wyoming.
  4. G

    Blue Lives Matter

    Well said sir! I bet he can't answer any of your questions without google.
  5. G

    WY one shot pronghorn hunt...circling the drain

    This is ridiculous and needs to stop. The one shot has outgrown the times. More news organizations need to pick up this story along with flooding social media. My e-mails have been sent.
  6. G

    Wyoming - Area 68

    As some have mentioned make sure you have onx or a gps with a chip. There are a few tricky spots so be careful. If you even see a sliver of private that crosses the road do not cross it or you may end up with a trespassing citation. There are plenty of goats and lots and lots of country to...
  7. G

    Unofficial WY app numbers

    This seems to be the common theme across the west. I know Nevada was way up too.
  8. G

    E-bike Access?

    If it's open for motorized traffic then they are fine, non-motorized totally against. Today it's e-bikes tomorrow who knows what technology will come up with.
  9. G

    Which States still have available tags?

    Like others have said there are several states that still offer tags/opportunities. The way to play the game is to be 2,3, or 4 steps ahead of the game before June. Every year you should be looking at each states draws dates, left over draws/tags, OTC tags, etc. If you don't plan ahead you may...
  10. G

    WTB Angled Spotting Scope 60-65mm ED

    Not sure what your price point is, but there is a leica over on Monstermuleys that may fit what your looking for. Good luck.
  11. G

    Area 69

    Greenhorn, the buck on the left is pretty cool. You just don't see very many goats where their horns come together like that. Thanks for sharing.
  12. G

    Unit 10 wyoming deer thunder basis grasslands

    Not going to find any whitetail in 10 unless it's on private and even then they are very far and few between. Black Hills will be where you need to go if wanting a whitetail. The Hills get hammered but you can always find a few running around. Don't expect anything big.
  13. G

    Wy decisions

    I'm usually the guy who says keep your points to yourself since you have been patiently waiting. However, you seem to have a good hunting buddy who opened his farm to you. Pay your buddy back and go hunt 63. Plenty of goats and great access. Pathfinder Ranch owns a huge chunk in the heart of 63...
  14. G

    Area 69

    Unit 69 would be a good, fun hunt. There are plenty of antelope and the access is good. Not a huge unit compared to some but plenty of area to hunt. The only reason the draw odds are better in 69 are due to the smaller hunt area in my opinion.
  15. G

    Unit 10 wyoming deer thunder basis grasslands

    You have 7 points and want to burn them on unit 10? You may be disappointed with the deer numbers and size, but that's just me. You will definitely need a gps with a chip to be safe. I think with a little more research you could find something better with your 7 points.
  16. G

    Nevada results

    If anyone drew 231 deer, I would be more than happy to help. Had the tag 2 years ago.
  17. G

    Nevada results

    221-223 late elk for me. Drew with 12 NR points