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  1. R

    Turkey picture Contest....

    Here is my first turkey after applying for 6 years in Utah! He is 19 lbs, 9 1/8" beard and 1 1/8" spurs. Rut
  2. R

    Dog Day

    OSOK, I get plenty of sleep, all that shooting over the years has pretty much tuned out the sound of a baby crying, my wife on the other hand..... I know what you mean about desire, sometimes after some really brutal chukar hunts my dog has trouble walking BACK to the truck (funny how that limp...
  3. R

    Dog Day

    OSOK, Just when I had began to forget that I didn'tn go to Kansas this year, you have to post some more pheasant pics! :BLEEP: Sage looks like she is pretty tired, hope you didn't spoil her when you got home (like I uh... I mean my wife always does my dog when we get home). You keep posting...
  4. R

    Story of ID F&G......

    Was he found guilty of something? What is the rest of the story 30 incher? Rut
  5. R


    There is a place in Oak City, Utah called Lake Bonneville Bison Ranch. Rut
  6. R

    Welcome "NvrEnuf".....

    NvrEnuf, I drive by Camp Williams everyday and he must have been doing tricks last night, because there were 28 trucks pulled over at one time while I drove by looking at him at 5:00 P.M. As far as his sheds go, unless you are wearing camo and carrying an M-16 I don't think you want to be...