NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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  1. B

    How long before going back to a stand?

    I believe that the coyote I call in a certain area today, won't always be the coyote that was there yesterday or tomorrow. Our Az coyotes are a nomadic lot, covering lots of territory throughout their hunting cycle, which over laps other coyotes hunting areas and so on. Ive called honey holes on...
  2. B

    Late season calling

    I really don't change anything in my tactics. Ive played with howling down here, but have noticed no big difference in responses. The month of january is not usually good here, but come feb and march, two of my favorites to call, using cottontail distress. Went out couple days ago and called a...
  3. B

    Bobcat hunting

    Ive got to throw in with Bruce, I think the bobocat is one of the easiest predators to call in. Most encounter problems SEEING the damned things when they get to the stand. There have been more than one bobcat that has come to the call looking like a coyote, bounding over brush, coming on a dead...
  4. B

    CJ soapbox [illegals]

    Just for giggles wyo-boyo; you ought to check out the percentage of birth services performed at the LA county hospital, last I heard, it was tettering around 85% .....takes a hell of a lot of 15 dollar fica payments to cover them. The illegals aren't leavin a trail of money behind them for us to...
  5. B

    CJ soapbox [illegals]

    I'll see your illegals getting resident tags, and raise you the fact Az wants to give em drivers licenses and the right to vote! Once our felonious friends from the south achieve this status, I suggest that it is only fitting to send absentee ballots to Iraq,Afganistan or any other islamic...
  6. B

    Buck Naked strikes again!

    "The older the buck; the stiffer the horn" .........And to think he stopped by my place at 7:30 this morning on his way home, thank god I answered the door before momma did.The upshot was; I did get to see how useful a higgins howler really is......Tim swore it provided all the volumne he...
  7. B

    REMOTE CONTROL - IS A THOUGHT!!!... way, I might leave the howlers and decoys and kites and electric cars back home in the closet of useless artifacts....but I do always have a nose spray bottle of the "magic mist" in my camo stool zippered compartment, thats one of maybe two tricks Ive gleaned in the half dozen or...
  8. B


    Tim....Why are you so damned logical and simplistic about your concepts on calling predators? Don't you know, so many nowdays want to add "another element","another distraction","a longer shot window" to their calling experience. We are dinosaurs my friend. We methodically head out to good...
  9. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Now that gave me a chuckle Rich! Brevity IS the soul of wit....very good. I shave my palms so as not to draw unwarranted attention....I trust you shave your back, so your "bow muscle" doesn't look like the hump on a dromedary camel
  10. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Im left handed, so I always pull(draw is the proper term) my bow with my left hand. I masturbate with my right hand, so Ive developed bilateral conditioning within each forearm, another intrigueing query that is absolutely meaningless
  11. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Come on now Leonard; he all ready stated on your board that "It'd be fun doing them together" concerning you and Bruce , referring to hunting I hope, but still has odd undertones ......that statement alone makes me want to keep the ole boy at arms length. I think we'll keep our social status...
  12. B

    Here is this weekends take!

    crappy.........Do you ever hit something where your supposed to? Every damn thing I see you post a pic of, is blown to rag dolls. Im thinking; you might make a small change to your nick, instead of crapshoot, maybe crappyshot would be more fitting
  13. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Whoa Rich....if you notice, I said I never got there I was way heavier than the weight class you were lifting in, at that time I hit the scale at 230, and my absolute best aggregrate was 1230,it was just friendly competition amongst the four of us that lifted together. So you were light years...
  14. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    I'll be damned? dialogue ehh? ya got me. Yeah, I never formally competed except within the group of guys I used to lift with. The magic number to take you out of the wannabe class was 1500....I never got there, legs were my weak link, so the squat was a difficult lift for me.I wasn't going to...
  15. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    .....I'll be damned, I just saw you in this thread for the second time today rich, and still no response to my serious question, whats up with that. I was reaching out for meaningful dialog concerning a topic we both are familar with. I'll let it go, possibly your annoyed with me this time, and...
  16. B

    ATV's should be banned.........

    Calling a fella that would like to see ATVs banned, a twin to feinstein or brady is assinine. Firearms ownership is a right, not given by anyone, but merely recognized and inumerated as such, by no less than the constitution of the United States. Riding an ATV is merely a privilege,and a sorry...
  17. B

    ATV's should be banned.........

    Calling a fella that would like to see ATVs banned, a twin to feinstein or brady is assinine. Firearms ownership is a right, not given by anyone, but merely recognized and inumerated as such, by no less than the constitution of the United States. Riding an ATV is merely a privilege,and a sorry...
  18. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Come on now rich; I know for a fact you've lurked thru here,checking to see if you've recieved yet another grammar lesson. There's no ulterior motive to this post, just asking a question about your best aggregrate lift total. It's a concrete figure we can appreciate and not quibble over like...
  19. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    You've piqued my curiosity richie.....what was your best three lift aggregate? Oh,by the way, thanks for the gracious invite to drop by "your table" at the shindig in Silver City, but I must decline the offer. Don't need to be pullin anyones bow, or have anyone pullin my leg.
  20. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

    Spelling richie rich, spelling. Jamborees, not jambories.

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