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  1. S

    Arizona desert sheep tag!!!

    Nice Tom!!!! Good luck! :) S. PS: Hope your shoulder holds-out! All good here! ;)
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    Roumor has it....

    Dammit to hell Moosie! Those pics and vids are awesome!!! Looks like an incredible adventure. I can't wait for the book! ;) S.
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    Roumor has it....

    AWESOME ram Moosie! Huge kudos on the hunt!!!!! S.
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    The pentagon wasn't hit by a 757

    Michaelr, that is too funny!!!! Even more hillarious that you actually believe that crap! ;) S.
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    Spam Haiku

    Here's another one for you Haiku fans. Author unknown..... Who likes Spam? mmm good..... ;) S. ------------------------------------------------- Oh tin of pink meat I ponder what you may be: Snout or ear or feet? Grotesque pinkish mass In a blue can on a shelf Quivering alone...
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    Redneck Haiku

    Found this while cleaning-out my 'in-box'..... A couple of them are hilarious (check-out Desire & Deprived... ) Enjoy! S. South's version of Haiku: by BrendaMetcalf REDNECK HAIKU BEAUTY Naked in repose, Silvery silhouette girls Adorn my mudflaps. REMORSE A painful sadness. Can't...
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    Griz kill video

    My lord, I just wasted 45 minutes of my company's time reading through that amazing story on! I had seen the video clip before, had not heard the whole story. Incredible stuff, and an outstanding write-up! Wow! Thanks for posting the link to the story Ovis! S.
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    So! You want to draw a tag in Arizona, do you??

    I'll butt-in Gunner, if you don't mind.... 4 chances when the overall odds are 10% does not equal a 40% chance. It only means that you have 4 different '10% chances'. And really, the 10% chance is a false number, because there are certainly other folks in the drawing with as many (or more)...
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    Chick, here is the URL from the link. Try to paste it into your browser window, and have a look. S.
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    WH's OC, are you browsing with a high-speed connection, or dial-up? If you're on a slow connection, it may just be taking a while to load. Just so you know, you're not missing much in my opinion. It's pretty grim... S.
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    Bear hunting at it's Finest (4_29_04 Pics)

    Great post Moosie! I agree with Elkhunter; It's awesome to see the pics of the little ones really enjoying themselves! As a 'PR' plug, I recently took over as Youth Director for the Arizona Deer Association. We will be sponsoring youth hunting camps (as the org has in the past...)...
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    Big Brownie (long post)

    That's an awesome story Alasken! My only trip to Alaska was spent out on the Penninsula in the Port Moller area. I didn't hunt, but was a guest at a bear hunting lodge at a place called Bear Lake. I think the owner's name is Warren Johnson? Are you familiar with this operation? Just...
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    Another Night with no bear....

    Good luck Moosie, and please continue to keep us updated! I tune into the site daily just to jump to the bear forum & see what the latest update is. It's kind of like the ultimate internet reality show.... Hmm... Now there's an idea; Anyone here in the TV production business...
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    Black deer

    Cool pic! When I was in college a guy who lived in my same apartment building killed a black 2 point muley buck. He killed it somewhere in northern Nevada, but I don't know the exact area. He was wanting to kill a bigger deer, but said that after watching it a while, he decided it was unique...
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    Bill Wins...

    'The Donald' is THE MAN! One of the main reasons he has been so successful in business is that he has got the sack to stick in there & fight it out with the big boys! ;) Arrogant or not, there is no arguing his record! Oh, and how about that little hottie he was parading around at the...
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    Deer Hunting Around Emmet Idaho

    Thanks Buddy! Information is appreciated! S.
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    Who is everybody part 4

    Handle: stanleyaz or stanley (depending on the message board) Real Name: Stan Johnsen Occupation: IT Director for a large US company. 39, married w/ an AWESOME wife & 3 great kids. ;) Boy/9, boy/6, girl/4. I live in Phoenix, but get out to my old stomping grounds in the desert...
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    Favorite Wine?

    Also, from the 'corny joke' department: What is the favorite wine (whine) at BYU?????? "I want to get married!!!!!" The Ute fans (if there are any) will appreciate that one.... S. :)
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    Favorite Wine?

    Check out Charles Shaw! It's found only at Trader Joes, but it's only $1.99 per bottle. 60 Minutes did a pretty good story on it a couple of months ago. It stood-up to some of the snootier Napa brands in blind taste testing.... ;) A very nice Cabernet! 2 Buck Chuck rocks! S.
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    Whats in your cd player?

    Linkin Park, Kid Rock, Chili Peppers. S.