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  1. B

    Got a call from DS

    hello boys, Havent recieved any e-mails latly although i just got a brand new PC so...........what can a girl say besides I miss the mountains!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,you can take the girl out of the west but you cant take the WEST out of the girl....can someone e-mail me a sagebrush...
  2. B

    Elk Down...Part 3 this point of my pregnant game Id much rather see a dead Elk then Indy and DS nekkid!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  3. B

    those good ole boys

    Got an e-mail from Indyjay saying he is on his way back home and has photographic evidence :eek: I hope he means of a Elk kill and not DS in the leopard boxers :rolleyes:
  4. B

    QUIZ---For the Wyoming People

    nice job Mo only people like me born in Rock Springs would ever think of How well did you do? score______(5 points for each correct answer). 25 points--fair 50 points--good 75 pionts--Excellent...
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    QUIZ---For the Wyoming People

    # 11 is wrong ;)
  6. B

    QUIZ---For the Wyoming People

    So, You think you know alot about Wyoming? How many of these Towns can you Identify? 1. Bison 2. Not a Pepsi town. 3. A 2,000 pound Stream. 4. Adam and Eve's Hometown. 5. A famous national Cemetery. 6. Husband of a Grey cow. 7. Petroleum with no clothes. 8. A Tale. 9. Where they have...
  7. B

    Liver and Cheese

    > Three kids are in school....a Mexican, a White, and a Black...... > > The Teacher tells them to make a sentence with liver and cheese. > >> White kid says: "My mom made me a liver and cheese sandwich and it > >> was >...
  8. B

    Bubba and Jimmy Joe

    > BUBBA AND JIMMY JOE > > One day, Jimmy Joe was walking down Main Street when > he saw his buddy Bubba driving a brand new pickup. Bubba pulled up to > him with a wide grin. > > Bubba, where'd you get that truck?!?" > > "Bobby Sue gave it to me" Bubba replied. > > "She gave it to...
  9. B

    Just Elks.....

    Ok, got the grill all cleaned up and ready to I figure it will only take Indy out of his way a couple hundred miles to drop off some backstraps to me .......LOL i know i know wishful thinkin huh??
  10. B

    Two weeks from Friday....

    :D :D Dont forget to pack the all new Ultra Anti-Taliban Outfitters Tent 2000 :D :D
  11. B

    Wyoming Women!!!

    YOU GOTTA LOVE Wyoming WOMEN!! > A woman from Wyoming and another from the East > coast were seated side-by-side on an airplane. The woman from > Wyoming, being friendly and all, said: "So, where are you from?" > The East coast woman said, "From a place where they > know better than to use a...
  12. B

    Las Vegas

    Ok this one's for the Men who always complain that they dont get it!!! A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase. He says, "What are you doing?" She answers, "I'm moving to Las Vegas. I heard ladies-of-the-night there get paid $400 for doing what I do for you for...
  13. B

    Winter Blonde Joke

    As a trucker stops for a red light, a blonde catches up. She jumps out of her car, runs up to his truck, and knocks on the door. The trucker lowers the window, and she says, "Hi, my name is Heather and you are losing some of your load." The trucker ignores her and proceeds down the street...
  14. B

    Wyoming Humor

    WHAT DOES YOUR DAD DO? > > > > It's the first day of school and the teacher thought she'd get to know > > the kids by asking them their name and what their father does for a > > living. > > > > The first little girl says: "My name is Mary and my daddy is a postman." > > > > The next little boy...
  15. B

    What's Her Name

    Good one.......LMAO :D I was wondering why all these southerners here call each other Ma and Pa instead of by their names :D
  16. B

    Feel like a woman

    :mad: only a Man would laugh at that one!!! ok so I chuckled a bit and of course copied and sent to all my friends ;)
  17. B


    > > > > Subject: 710 > > > > > > > > Please don't open the picture before you have read the text!! > > > > > > > > A few day's ago when I visited a gas station, a women came in and > > > > asked for a seven-hundred-ten!? We all looked at each other and > > > > suddenly one customer asked...
  18. B

    Why my wife mows the yard

    :D LOL
  19. B

    Friggin Cool!

    A non-resident wyoming tag???.... :confused: That is the saddest thing Ive ever heard, I have been a resident of Wyoming for 29 years and now that I dont live there they are gonna stick it to me for a tag....geee shouldnt I get a native discount or something....LOL As for a name well he wont...
  20. B

    Friggin Cool!

    Hey now I had surgery done to prevent this kind of thing from ruining my Hunting seasons....seems he pulled some male dominace super barrier breaking sperm from out of no where to keep me off mountains away from the rifraf....LOL And besides that I didnt do anything I was trying to sleep and...
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