Caribou Gear

Search results

  1. MTGamecock

    First Elk!

    I shot my first elk, a cow, yesterday evening in the last 10 minutes of legal light. Lesson learned: Never shoot a cow elk that late in the day when you are by yourself! lol. Fortunately, I didn't have to track her, or I would have been there all night. But I did quarter my first elk, alone...
  2. MTGamecock

    First Time Hunting Pronghorn - My Story

    After writing this, I will apologize in advance for the length. If brevity is your thing, you can skip to the picture at the bottom, but I've never been one to convey a message in 140 characters or less, or anything approaching that. I'd never hunted antelope before. For my third hunting...
  3. MTGamecock

    New in SW Montana

    Greetings from SW Montana. I'm new to this forum, but not to hunting - well, I didn't think I was new to hunting until I moved out here (fulfilling a dream) a few years ago. I've shot a lot of deer in South Carolina, Georgia, and West Virginia, but it's a whole different ballgame out here. My...

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