Search results

  1. Tjudeburton

    Montana Turkey Hunting

    Hey Everyone! I'm heading up to Montana this spring. 1st Trip ever to the state in general. My buddy and I are going to hunt birds in eh SE part of the state. We have both hunter turkeys for over 20 years and have been to multiple states. First mountain hunt. We plan to hunt like we elk/deer...
  2. Tjudeburton

    OTC 2 rifle Unit 53 Colroado

    Hey everyone! I am planning next year's OTC elk hunt already. I have found myself stuck on unit 53. I'm not looking for any waypoints or anything. I'm curious about hunter numbers. We plan to park off of Virginia creek rd and hiking in on Through Line Trail 8860. We will hike up and hunt along...
  3. Tjudeburton

    Good Glassing units in CO

    Hey Everyone! I have hunted CO OTC a few times now for 2nd rifle. I hunted 65 for 7 days one year and 55 for 5 days another year. I focused my energy in the wilderness areas to avoid people.. We had great success in seeing elk... usually about the same time they saw us :LOL:. Both these units...