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  1. M

    Thank you for some much needed common sense!

    We read about it every day, bighorn sheep. It's always in outdoor news "3 bighorn sheep poached off highway" "pneumonia kills herd of bighorn sheep" "lamb survival rate is down to 10 percent" well it's not all bad news because the BLM finally said enough is enough and stuck it to the greedy...
  2. M

    Laugh of the day Peta edition

    Just when you thought Peta couldn't get any more stupid they are now are suggesting their deer management plan. No hunting or cruelty involved! Peta tried the appeal a bow hunting Court decision with this incredible argument "The only way to curb the deer population is by reducing the food...
  3. M

    What is your favorite wild game meat?

    This should be fun and interesting to know who thinks what game is the tastiest. From all the wild meat ive eaten I say whitetail deer is the best.
  4. M

    There's more wolves in the upper peninsula than Montana and Wyoming combined

    It's crazy isn't it more wolves in 16k square miles than 250k square miles but it's true. There are atleast 628 wolves sandwiched into 16k square miles in the upper peninsula than 2 major western states (about 300 in Montana and Wyoming each) Michigan has major wolf overpopulation caused by...
  5. M

    It's time to do away with landowner tags enough is enough

    Many western states offer land owner tags for many different species including elk, deer, pronghorn. Landowner tags are a slap in the face to what hunting is all about in the united states. It all started during the birth of our nation on new jersey where large oyster fishermen were trying to...
  6. M

    The decline of whitetails

    Have you guys read the 2016 QDMA report whitetail buck harvest in down in 39 states and in many by large margins over the past 5 years Are we shooting too many does? QDMA also reports that coyote populations are increasing or the same in every state. What do our guys think we can do to boost...
  7. M

    Does the outdoor channel hurt the image of hunters?

    I stopped watching the outdoor channel months ago once I figured out 99 percent of their content is canned shoots and fair chase is non existent I remember one episode where they were "hunting" in South Texas and the deer they killed had a tag in its ear. I watched some more shows and all I...
  8. M

    Pheasants being stocked on public land

    I was deer hunting at a public land spot I've been going to for a while and I walk in and all I see is shotgun shells beer bottles cans and misc litter and maybe 2 pheasant kill sites. I get situated in my stand and 30 minutes later it sounds like a war zone. I literally counted 11 shotgun shots...