Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. C

    LO depredation by state?

    In New Mexico the NMDGF cannot compensate directly for ungulate depredation. Instead landowners get compensated for the "habitat" they provide with transferable vouchers which allow the holder the ability to buy a unit wide tag or ranch only tag dependent on which of the programs the landowner...
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    gps 3 axis compass

    The thumbstick on my gps is sticking so I'm looking for a new gps. I am looking for a gps I can pull out of my pocket and it will give me the relative directions to my waypoints from where I am without having to walk with it until it recalibrates. A couple of years ago I was trying to find...
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    RMEF Calls Out Center for Biological Diversity
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    say goodbye, Best elk hunting in the country The USFWS announced they will expand the range of Mexican Wolves in AZ and NM with the option of releasing more into the wild wasting more taxpayer money. Although they did throw sportsmen some bones, wolves who attack domestic animals...
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    RMEF on right track
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    Wolf Trapping Tips from Canada’s Premier Trapper
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    It only took 27 years

    I started hunting elk in 1987 in 16A. I could not never connect then went through a 17 year drought were I could not get drawn. Last few years I start hunting CO OTC but could not connect. This year I finally got drawn for my first choice, it was a rifle tag that I really did not expected my 3rd...
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    Lobo comment deadline on the new releases

    The deadline to make comments is Sept. 23rd. Here is the website to make comments.!documentDetail;D=FWS-R2-ES-2013-0056-6056 I went to and just changed some of their bullet points making the opposite arguments and adding some bs in for good...
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    Petition: return of grizzly bears to the West
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    Predator Death Spiral…
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    How big is this wolf? There is a news story from Vancouver Island of a wolf attacking a group of adult medium/large size dogs and dragging one of the dogs off. The dogs seem decent size but the wolf had little trouble dragging one off. I am curious as to what the...
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    Informing the ‘Misinformed’ about Wolves
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    Anti hunting rally at Yellowstone

    I saw this on another forum and figured I'd post it here. From their page... On June 28-29 2014, Americans of all-walks-of-life will meet in Arch Park in Gardiner, Montana to tell our elected leaders that we need to reform wildlife management, at both, the...
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    NM water rights dispute

    I saw this over on MM. Since there seems to be a different prospective on here I figure I'd see what people on this forum thought.
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    Deer numbers up in Utah
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    Petersens Wolf Article

    Just wondering what you "wolf lovers" think of the article. :D
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    My first Barbary hunt

    This was my first Barbary Sheep hunt. I hunted 4 out of 6 days and this is the only Barbary I saw. I was hunting the top of a ridge today when I saw him feeding at 50 yards. His head was hidden so I waited to make sure what it was, he then started running in the opposite direction. I shot and...