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  1. steamfitter

    Taking a so called buddy hunting!!!

    What a lesson I learned this year about taking someone hunting. I met a guy at work a year ago seem to be a good person. His wife got along well with mine and was a real nice lady I worked with this guy every day for about 7 mths and in conversation on day he got invited on a hunt with us don't...
  2. steamfitter

    Quick breakfast in elk country?

    I need some ideas for a quick breakfast. I am a picky eater so breakfast is tough one for me cause im not a fan of any energy bars or trail mix. We pack in on horse so weight isn't to much of a problem within reason. Granted no one wants to wake up at 3am and start making eggs and bacon so...
  3. steamfitter

    Dad at 43!!!!!

    Well its true confirmed by the doc now what do I do? My wife is pregnant the doc told us years ago she could have no kids well he lied. I have one daughter who is 23 and now about to have another still haven't let it sink in one good thing I guess my walker could double as a jungle gym. Do any...
  4. steamfitter

    Western Montana Rut?

    Anyone seeing any rut activity goimg on. I been out for 10 days straight and probably walked 50 miles and have yet to catch a glimpse of a buck, Lots of does i watched 25 mule deer does till i couldnt see and didnt see horns peroid just wondering if its me which im not ruling out.
  5. steamfitter

    Western Montana rut?

    When does the rut usually kick in here in western montana. This is first year in the 10 years i have lived here and that i will be home to hunt and not off on some pipline somewhere.
  6. steamfitter

    North Dakota pheasants?

    Im headed to NoDak to work in Buelah and was wondering how is the bird hunting. Since i moved away from nebraska and moved to western montana the dog has only chased grouse like to get him on some pheasants and well since im gonna be there for a couple mths figured may as well try.
  7. steamfitter

    Mountain House meals?

    I was wondering what was yalls thoughts on mountain house meals are they any good. I know they are light on weight and will keep you alive but do they fill you up and do they taste good. If you had a choice and weight isnt much of factor would you eat them.
  8. steamfitter

    Mule deer around Garnet Ghost town

    Im curious has anyone hunted for mule deer around the ghost town area. I know its a draw area for mule deer and i have been all over this country seeings how i live up the garnet range road but the 6 years i have been here i have never seen a large muley. I have seen large whitetail and a few...
  9. steamfitter

    Lesson Learned Black bear charged us today!

    Well what a walk. The wife and i went for a hike to coloma ghost town here by the house now i never see bear my wife always see bear all the time but today on way back we ran into a sow and cub cool huh well the dog decided he was gonna get that cub against me yelling like a maniac and that...
  10. steamfitter

    American Made ELK Call!!

    Got my new Bitteroot Custom Call what a beauty sounds really good now only 4 weeks to go and will be trying those sweet sexy calls on it for bow season. Thanks to Tony for the american made call it sure is getting hard to buy american anymore. Sure would be nice to get a list of american made...
  11. steamfitter

    Hunting partners!!

    I moved to montana 8 years ago lived in nebraska for 16 years greww up in louisiana yes im a cajun all the way up in montana. I moved here because of divorce let me always wanted to live here now i do because of the love of outdoors. I pose this question to yall are u afraid to make new hunting...
  12. steamfitter

    Gun care

    I was wondering what is the best way to get a stainless gun clean from being in a fire. In 2008 i had just got done buildng a new home six months after i was done chimmney caught on fire cause contactor screwed up. i got all my guns out except one a ruger .357 and it didnt buned but the fire...
  13. steamfitter

    montana elk tags

    Has anyone heard if the combination nonres. tags were gonna sell out or have some leftovers.
  14. steamfitter

    what is SFW.

    Basically guys im new to this internet forum and things i have never heard of SFW sorry but im out of touch i dont buy hunting magazines or read news on internet so dont fault me for that but im learning so help me out.
  15. steamfitter

    MT zone for sheep

    My question is i would like to start putting in for a sheep tag here in MT. I live near Ovando,Mt and really dont know best area to accumulate points. I was thinking about 620 but if you had a choice to put in for a draw where would you.I hunt the Bob Marshall every year for elk but would like...
  16. steamfitter

    Packing elk out of backcountry on horse.

    Hello everyone as u might guess im new here. I have a question on packing a elk head out on horse whats the best way i have pack in a few years now and have killed an elk every year just never one that i wanted mounted till last year. Normally we cut the horns out of skull but last year i just...

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