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  1. S


    I need to buy myself a good xmas present. I'm gonna get a GPS for hunting, what are some of the one's you out west guys like the best. I'm looking for one with good ability for sattelite mapping and hunting gps maps. As a MN guy I only have an IFinder with my Lakemaster chips for ice fishing, ha.
  2. S


    I'd like to see a show where Big Fin uses Llama's to get into some far reaches of some back country. I'd like to see them in action! Just an idea.
  3. S


    If I want to buy one pair of Kenetreks that will get me through 90% of hunting situations what should they be? I've been eyeing the Mountain Extreme 400s. Also, being from MN how do I size/try these things on? Thanks Paul
  4. S

    How many guys shoot a 7mm STW?

    Just looking for some experiences with it. I do reload so that isn't an issue, just wondering what you have had for barrel life, etc. Thanks
  5. S

    Quick Colorado Wildernss Question

    Buddy just got back from a outfitted hunt up in the Medicine Bow/Routte area. He said the outfitter said there was a rule about not taking horses up before sunup and you needed to be out by dark during the gun seasons. I've never heard of this before, is there any truth to it? I'd assume you...
  6. S

    WY Wildneress Guide Requirement

    I've been looking online trying to find a map of which federal lands you are required to have a guide or WY resident on. Does anyone have a link to one by chance? Thanks Paul

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