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  1. L

    Oy Vay, Vat Haff I Done?

    Boy, oh boy! Here I write just a little note to apologize for not being able to attend our piscatorial soiree and I have caused us (or at least the noble Eastsiders) to become the castigatory emblems of the Elkboys. If only I had psychic powers to peer into the future . . . . Well, the heck...
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    Law Bites!

    Due to the perverse sadistical whimsy of a local federal judge, I am sad to announce that I am out for the fishing get together August 23rd (assuming it was still going forward). I will be stuck in a cramped depo room listening to a whining Plaintiff's attorney asking the most inane questions...
  3. L

    Y'all get back to work!

    Alright now kiddies, I just realized I have wasted the better (or worse) part of this morning goofing around in this forum. How am I going to feed my little chitlins if I don't go out and ruin somebody's day? Since I HAVE to work, I better put my sizeable nose to the grindstone and continue...
  4. L

    Blond Guy Joke

    Two blonde men are out in the woods when one of them says, "Man I really have to go to the bathroom." The other one says, "Go behind a tree, nobody will see you and I promise I won't watch." "What am I going to use to wipe with," the first one asks. "Well... I don't know. You have a dollar on...
  5. L

    Kids' Views on Real Relationships

    HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. --Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they Grow up who they're going to marry. God...
  6. L

    Just in case . . . .

    This guy wakes up one morning to find a gorilla in his tree. He looks in the phone book for a gorilla removal service until he finds one. "Is it a boy or girl Gorilla?" the service guy asks. "Boy," is the man's response. "Oh yeah, I can do it. I'll be right there", says the service guy. An...
  7. L

    New Rules for DMI?

    NEW RULES FOR EMPLOYEES: SICK DAYS: We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. SURGERY: Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not...
  8. L

    Concerns about DMI

    Delw, I was checking out DMI's site just now and need to express my sorrow that the profiles of your ProStaff are not posted. When can your faithful public expect to see them? ;)
  9. L

    Is this okay, da?

    I was SLAMMED on another website (which shall remain nameless) by da for being too high brow for my audience. I know this is not the case here. However, to appease da (wherever he may be found), I felt I should post some thoughts pertinent to fishing from his favorite philosopher . . . Jef...
  10. L

    How About Good Old Herbert Hoover?

    Okay, you all weren't too jazzed about the Greeks. How about a 'Merican? I found this quote and think it is brilliant! Tis the chance to wash one's soul with pure air, with the rush of the brook, or with the shimmer of the sun on the blue water. It brings meekness and inspiration from the...
  11. L

    A Timely Message . . . from the Greeks

    Consistent with the thematic structure I have attempted to emblazon upon our little group, I thought I would share a little fable from good old Aesop. The Monkey and the Fishermen A MONKEY perched upon a lofty tree saw some Fishermen casting their nets into a river, and narrowly watched their...
  12. L

    Elder Escuela (aka Brad H.)

    Brother, what's up? I just read your post on AZBASSPRO. Please send me your email address (I can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]). I just wanted to touch base with you about that stuff. Wanted you to know I was concerned . . . .
  13. L


    My brother, I have tried to return your email, but it keeps telling me that you won't accept me! Is it a Brown thing? Let me know. Thanks.
  14. L

    My Saggy Saga

    All right boys and girls, huddle around the fireplace and listen to a tale of piscatorial carnage on the oceanic waves of the dreaded Saguaro Lake. At 3:30 a.m., I snapped out of bed, packed my rods and reels, made sure I had enough food and water for a day at the lake and enough tackle to slay...
  15. L

    Many Thanks to My New Friends!

    I just can't tell you how welcome you have made me feel. If only I could have had as many dates when I was young and single . . . . I cannot wait to get to meet you all over the coming weeks and years. You are always welcome to contact me anytime you are in Vegas. Del, Westy, da and Ken, you...
  16. L

    The FatMan Cometh!

    Well, I just got the "all clear" signal from my betrothed--I shall be allowed to go down to Tempe this week. Actually, I'll leave either this afternoon or evening when I tie up some loose ends here in the office. I'll return to Sin City Saturday so I can spend Mother's Day with Annie and the...
  17. L

    OldSchool Out for Spring Break?

    Brad, what's up? You introduce yourself to us (after being dragged in by Delw to HIS board) and I see no posts from you at all. Tell me about the Wednesday night tournament. Why did your partner break off the fish? Bad knot? Tired line? Improperly set drag? Since I never catch any fish...
  18. L

    Is Del-Mart in Business?

    I was causually perusing the DMI website (to see how my stock was progressing) when my abbreviated attention was inexorably drawn to a new section bearing the titular monicker of "The Store." My insatiable curiosity was sufficiently piqued that I ventured into that sector only to be gravely...
  19. L

    Got Fish? Got Lost?

    Okay, fess up, what did you folks do with Got fish?? He goes to dinner with you, he catches ONE fish, and then he drops off the face of the world? Somebody has some 'splaining to do!!
  20. L

    Well? How did it go?

    Okay lads and alssies, spill your intestines. How was dinner. Please don't make it sound too fun or I might just unswallow with envy. :eek: