Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. K

    jason lee

    was it the jason lee from here that made national news for writing bah humbug in lights in his front yard. the guy was from michigan i heard it on the Bob and Tom show
  2. K

    Drew Colorado 3rd season rifle

    Drew CO 3rd season rifle in units 71, 711. This will be my first time in these units, although the friends I'm going with have huntd there before. 6 of us, 6 deer tags, 2 cow elk and one junior over the counter bull tag. I'm stoked, havent hunted outta state in over 10 yrs. Has anyone hunted...
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    NY Yankees

    You know how you can tell where the yankee players houses are when you're trick or treating? They have plenty of jack o lanterns, ghosts, frankensteins and witches, just no bats.
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    Yo,Tim (tnctcb)

    Have you shot the new 11-87? Come on bro lets hear about it!!!!!!
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    marijuana and the Raiders

    You know what marijuana and the Raiders have in common? They both get smoked in a bowl
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    elderly golf

    "How was your golf game, dear?" asked Jack's wife Tracy. "Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight's gotten so bad, I couldn't see where the ball went." "You're seventy-five years old, Jack!" admonished his wife. "Why don't you take my brother Scott along?" "But he's eighty-five...
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    One Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair, drinking beer and watching my wife mow the lawn. The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged at this that she came over and shouted at me, "You should be hung." I calmly replied, "I am. That's why she cuts the grass."
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    secret to a good relationship

    SECRETS OF A GOOD RELATIONSHIP: 1. It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans. 2. It is important to find a woman that makes good money. 3. It is important to find a woman that likes to have sex. 4. And it is important that these three women never meet.
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    [Arkansas Democrat Gazette]: Two local men were seriously >>injured when their pickup truck left the road and struck a tree near >Cotton >>Patch on State Highway 38 early Monday morning. Woodruff County deputy >Dovey >>Snyder reported the accident shortly after midnight Monday. Thurston...
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    ~~~~~ At one time in my life, I thought I had a handle on the meaning of the word "service." "The act of doing things for other people." Then I heard the terms such as "Internal Revenue Service," "Postal Service," "Civil Service," "Service Stations." And I became confused about the word...
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    lipstick in school

    According to a news report, a certain private school in Washington was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would make up their faces in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their...
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    The man and the jar

    There was once this guy who liked to travel from pub to pub across the countryside. One day, he came up to a pub he had never heard of. He went inside and sat at the bar. "What'll it be?" asked the bartender. "A beer thanks, but what's that jar?" he said pointing up to a jar on the top...
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    Massive CA Blacktail Check out this link to see a massive CA blacktail. It was taken in Zone B1 last day of season 2002. I believe it will be a new record. A little more info I borrowed from JHP Fellas, your not going to believe your eyes, your all...
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    new rifle

    Just bought a Savage Model 11 in 223. Got it at Wallyworld for under 400 bucks. I put in 0n layaway for now. If the wife asks I'll tell her I put the 300 next to the 10/22 and they had a baby. ;) :cool: :D
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    Men and Women

    On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded: - Two Italian men and one Italian woman - Two French men and one French woman - Two German men and one German woman - Two Greek men and one Greek woman - Two English men and one English woman -...
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    Wild Pig

    Take about 4 ham steaks and plop em in the crock pot salt pepper garlic, add teriyaki sauce to cover them and let cook about 6 hours. serve over white rice with some fresh steamed broccolli. yyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm This hog from the CA Hog hunt is the tastiest :D :D :D
  17. K

    I Forgot

    I forgot how much I like killing ground squirrels. On the Ca hog hunt, I was reminded. So I'm selling my SKS and buying a 223. A guy at work wants the Sks and I just checked out a Savage bolt action in 223 at wallyworld. Them little F'rs better watch out now!!!!!!
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    Don't you LOVE America? > > > You live in California when . . . > > *You make over $250,000 a year and you still can't > afford to buy a house. > *The high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer > his cellphone. > *The fastest part of your...
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    The Demo

    ~~~~~ Shortly after Bill Gates was killed in a freak accident, he found himself being sized up by Saint Peter. "Bill, this is a tough call. You've made great technological advancements with Microsoft, but you've also given us Windows 95. I think I'm going to let you choose between Heaven...
  20. K

    bumper sticker

    I got a new bumper sticker for my truck.. My Inner Child is a mean little Fu#%er. :eek:

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