Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Recent content by Pr0digy1014

  1. Pr0digy1014

    Looking for partner to go to Alaska with me

    The current plan is 2021 yeah. Well I’m looking into a few options but 2021 main focus is a guided Arctic grizzly/caribou combo and if the budget can be made a moose/caribou drop camp is definitely possible. But this year the decision will be made since booking is a year and a half out for most...
  2. Pr0digy1014

    Looking for partner to go to Alaska with me

    If i could do a drop in solo I would but most planes require 2 hunters for these trips. Planning my first adventure maybe next fall or the coming spring depending on how much OT I can get
  3. Pr0digy1014

    Seeking fellow western hunting partner

    Seeking new partner to go to Alaska for a drop moose caribou combo to Boot
  4. Pr0digy1014

    Seeking fellow western hunting partner

    NV is a lot easier than Idaho. A lot less steep
  5. Pr0digy1014

    Seeking fellow western hunting partner

    Well I’m constantly tweaking my system but in a nutshell I roll with hammock and tarp, standard lightweight exo pack and pretty light run&gun setup one set of clothes kind of minimalism. I can realistically pack for 4-7 days depending on the season without losing my mind. By myself I covered 50...
  6. Pr0digy1014

    Seeking fellow western hunting partner

    I’m in my 20s and find all my friends starting families and staying busy at work, although I’m glad for them I found that hunting season becomes much lower on the priority list when one goes through those changes. I find myself going solo much more often and I’m just not nearly as effective or...
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