Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by pointman

  1. pointman

    His first buck!

    His smile says it all, I'm sure yours was equally impressive! Congrats on his buck and to you for the involvement with him.
  2. pointman


  3. pointman

    New Mexico Archery Elk - Not really live

    Out friggin standing!!! Gotta love new mexico for the elk!
  4. pointman

    2010 Utah bull

    Awesome bull, congrats "BIG" time.
  5. pointman

    This years little bull

    I wish I could get a tag every year. It had been 6 years since my last archery elk tag. It's kinda my fault cause I spend all my choices on the same area, 1st, 2nd and 3rd hunts. Maybe next year I can get the one I really wanted and not have to give out the runner up choice!
  6. pointman

    2010 Idaho Archery Bull - small bull contest

    I'm gonna have to sit this years contest out, as mine was alittle gigger, but theres always next year. Congrats on the filled tag anyway. Looks like a great eater!
  7. pointman

    N. Idaho Bull

    Nice one,, congrats!
  8. pointman

    This years little bull

    Thanks everyone and good luck on your up coming hunts.
  9. pointman

    My bros 2010 OTC archery bull

    Very nice bull, love the color.
  10. pointman

    Elk callers please help

    One more thing to consider, as if there arent already enough. Sometimes even if the bull is the biggest and baddest around, he'll push the cows off and leave rather than take a chance of losing a fight. He's already got the cows, be careful not to sound like too much of a challenge. If they are...
  11. pointman

    My 2010 Archery Elk

    Good job on the stay with it tracking, and congrats on the bow kill. Any elk with a bow is an excellent elk. Great job!
  12. pointman

    This years little bull

    I know I've had to settle for lessers in between those two, but this years was a settle bull as well. On the 3rd I missed a much better bull. Arrows and little limbs you cant see dont mix well. I did find some sheds from a 5x5 that ought to be a good one by next year as well.
  13. pointman

    Cattle & Elk

    I have to agree with 2rocky, where I hunt there are a lot of cattle unit wide. The only time I see less elk with cattle are in the areas that there is more human presence. In the back of my tiny mind I almost think that the elk feel safer around the cattle. Most of the time there are calves, and...
  14. pointman

    This years little bull

    Jose cuervo it depends on where you are whether you can even have one. But you are supposed to stay on what they consider 2 track roads unless you are retrieving an animal, but even then I wouldnt press my luck too hard.
  15. pointman

    This years little bull

    He came from S.W. New Mexico, near Quemado. Yes I was blessed to find an old logging road about 150 yards away, so with a little trailer manipulation, lifting it around a few tight spots I was able to get right to him. I do consider that a bonus as it wasnt even in the plans, didnt know it was...