Recent content by Mark Richards

  1. M

    Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

    At this point, maybe a laugh is what we need <grin>
  2. M

    Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

    Bit players indeed Ben Long's article in The Hill hailed it. Very well done, Ben. At least I hope something can come out of this to better inform people and connect the dots to much larger and quieter efforts going on to take our public lands away from us.
  3. M

    This surprise anyone?

    Doesn't surprise me SFW supports this There is also a bill in the AK legislature sponsored by our House Speaker, (HB 115). What's so crazy about this and other bills, if you look in the docs package there is a letter from legislative Legal Services, the bottom line of the letter being this...
  4. M

    SL Trib unloads again on SFW

    There's nothing funny about the level of corruption going on, and I for one am completely shocked the Don got another $300K of the public's money, after there was no accounting for the first 300K, and no lobbyist registered. At some point - this point, actually - I can only be completely...
  5. M

    Don peay called out...

    Nothing about the Don surprises me anymore, but what is surprising is that the law hasn't yet caught up to some of the shenanigans going on. And that so many hunters are so gullible to buy what the Don is selling, even after all the articles and the crazy quotes come out.
  6. M

    AK Director and SFW Board Member Busted

    Hi all, I wanted to get some info across, I'm "bushrat" from the Alaska forum and I see there has been a cut and paste here from that forum. Been following and writing about what SFW has been trying to do here in Alaska for a while. Took a lot of flak for some opinion pieces. I felt someone...
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