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Recent content by Leather

  1. Leather

    Snake Gaiters .

    I despise rattlesnakes with all my heart. My grandpa was almost left paralyzed by one. We were in the outskirts of Tulsa one summer camping as he enjoyed the calmness that a campfire and some beers can offer you. It was one of the few times we could spend some time together. Surprisingly though...
  2. Leather

    New office decor

    That's awesome. I wish I had the space in my office to put something similar! My corporate office in Colorado has limited space for such artifacts, but I hope this will change soon. I'm thinking of moving our headquarters with the best office rent site in Singapore since I have heard it's a...
  3. Leather

    New from montana

  4. Leather

    Coffee Junkies - Save money here

    Thanks for the code! Can't wait to try it!
  5. Leather

    Hammock - pros, cons, options, thoughts...

    Sleeping in a hammock is definitely more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. It helps your back to relax, and you'll notice that your sleep will be deeper. I always wake up well rested and fresh. Also, it's much more easier to transport it during the day than a tent. I always use a...