jetcraft's latest activity

  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Berenson was censored on twitter for saying the Covid 19 vaccination did not stop transmission of the virus. That is easily looked up...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to ismith's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    What is it that they say about people who resort to ad hominem?
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    The only advice I'd take from you is how to get banned from forums
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    1. He was asking to find votes that he thought we stolen, context, just like the bloodbath thing. Seems you dems only listen to what joy...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to more_cowbell's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    In other news, looks like today the Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether the Biden White House “did an oopsie” all over the...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to ismith's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Well Romney is a piece of fecal matter, that’s no surprise.
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    It’s more than just Biden having oatmeal for brains and a kid sniffer. He and his son are both grifters. People can pretend it isn’t...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Dsnow9's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Couldn’t agree more. It was just very refreshing that he didn’t start any new wars while in office Only one of those peoples kid refers...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    They’re both bad, I think we hashed that out 50 pages ago. I just prefer the way the country was under Trump than where it is now and...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    It’s not about back and forth, it’s getting info out there from both sides. Insinuating violence goes both ways, from Schumer telling...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    I don’t think it’s any worse of a term than calling half the country deplorables multiple times, by a sitting president.
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Actually I’m not entrenched and like I’ve said in this thread, I think almost all politicians are only in it for themselves. I seem...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    It can only be used out of context if it’s intentional. That’s not the way reporting should be but unfortunately it is, no more of “the...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Revenge? Who’s using everything at their disposal since 2016 for Trump beating Hilliary? Oh yeah, didn’t he say he was going to go...
  • J
    jetcraft reacted to Bullbrl's post in the thread The End with Like Like.
    Great, exactly what’s needed. Entrenched positions despite information to the contrary of narratives. No wonder the country is where...

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