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Recent content by Huntingchic2020

  1. Huntingchic2020

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Really cool picture!!
  2. Huntingchic2020

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Unit 6A south of southwest of 87 and south of 260. Shot my first elk yesterday at around 5:50pm. I shot once and (well I was shouldering the gun which I hadn’t practiced at all!) and couldn’t be sure where I shot it. It just stood there I shot again and missed. 😬 Then it walked about 3 feet...
  3. Huntingchic2020

    ‘Self-serving garbage.’ Wildfire experts escalate fight over saving California forests

    I have been saying for years that thinning the forest is worse for the forest. In Arizona there are some forests that are thinned to balding, harvesting, selling or burning down almost everything except really tall pines. I wondered if the ground is warmer, thus making tree roots warmer. The...
  4. Huntingchic2020

    ‘Self-serving garbage.’ Wildfire experts escalate fight over saving California forests

    the article says "other dirty off road equipment", so I assume they'll eventually get rid of atv/ohv's. How do they expect people to be able to collect fuel for wood fires without a chainsaw? It's just going to create a more dangerous situation in the forest if dead trees are just left out...
  5. Huntingchic2020

    First elk!

    Love the head in the backpack...
  6. Huntingchic2020

    Youth elk success

    Very cool and memories to last a lifetime. My 14 year old got her first elk last october in the youth hunt in 6A and 5B, on opening day. She keeps asking when we are going to hunt moose.
  7. Huntingchic2020

    Sigh-ting in issues

    I was missing the target by inches everytime but always to the left. My husband put in a laser sight and the gun was off target by a lot. However I am still missing to the left but I think it's because I jerk at the last second, or pull the trigger to fast. But at least I am hitting the target.
  8. Huntingchic2020

    Wife's first elk experience

    Awesome, she's going to end up catching the hunting fever and one day you will be driving her. :)
  9. Huntingchic2020

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Elk from husbands 2015 Archery hunt. My daughter Molly who was only 7 at the time stayed up all night to help process.
  10. Huntingchic2020

    Jonathan from Eastern Kentucky

    Same here! Welcome from another newby to hunttalk.
  11. Huntingchic2020

    Here to learn from the best ;)

    Reading and learning.. always looking for new info. My husband and I got into hunting about 14 years ago. I was born in AZ and hunted quail, rabbit and elk with my Dad growing up, but never imagined I would become a hunter. I was drawn 12 years ago and had ZERO idea what I was doing. I had a...
  12. Huntingchic2020


    Avenza maps with my unit in the flatline maps. Such a valuable tool, you can pin where you’ve spotted and stalked. Love avenza maps.
  13. Huntingchic2020

    Bulls Only? OTC CO

    Wow, I never knew! Thanks for this info…
  14. Huntingchic2020

    Colorado vs Utah OTC

    Are there otc elk tags in Utah?