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Recent content by Dennis Cash

  1. D

    Maricopa County Sheriff

    I have been a supporter of The Sheriff since he ran the first time. He has made it unappealing to be thrown into jail in Maricpoa County. The biggest critics of Sheriff Joe are his inmates, and the bleeding heart media. But the repeat offenders have been reduced in the County. Must be doing...
  2. D

    Kerry ahead 10 to 5 to 1 !

    Any poll from the Communist News network must be fact!
  3. D

    What in the hell is this thing and why is it in my house

    Sun Spider, Vinegaroon, Wind spider, all names for the same family of critters. They won't hurt you, but make you hurt yourself getting away from them. We have one in the garage that is about 3" bugs in the garage, but frequent panic attacks when we happen to see it. C'mon down...
  4. D

    And Dubya wants more??

    Hey Oak, Nice bad it left out the fact that domestic environmental regulations, put in place largely by the last administration, at the urging of their eco-nut friends, makes exploration and drilling in the U.S. so costly that it is cheaper to import oil at $43/bbl. We ned to look...
  5. D

    ElkGunner Disloyal to Friends!!!

    133 Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill...
  6. D

    Thank a Veteran????

    This is all I could find. It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer...

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