Recent content by backsmasher23

  1. B

    Is the Coronavirus a Joke to some People?

    If you want accurate numbers, don't look towards long term care facilities, hospitals, etc, where they are getting government funds for positive cases and deaths. Look outside the box to somewhere they have nothing to gain from positive cases or deaths.....prisons. Quick google search...
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    Things to do in Chicago?

    You could stage an attack or robbery, seems to be the thing to do in Chicago recently.
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    Cool Find

    Little propane heater and a pot...boil snow and pour to melt around horns. Or just heat snow with little propane/butane torch.
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    Bucket list trade

    For your whitetail hunt would you be looking archery/crossbow or rifle? I treat several people with MG and have seen the ups/downs. I commend you for not losing your will.
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    8yo Nephew Killing a Few

    Great job getting him out there!!
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    So long TV - Hello Amazon

    Congratulations! I think it's a great move and will be an amazon prime viewer!!
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    Big Fin Look Out

    Thumbs up!!! Best thing I've seen on the internet in awhile. Congrats!
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    Deer hunting with Randy....

    Nice work!!! Great deer!
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    2017 Backpack Deer

    Stud buck, great hunt!
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    Worst than bad luck

    He's an old man, give him a break :)
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    Average Joe Hunting Adventures with Dan and CJ

    You can clean when the story is done....tell you significant other we've given you permission.
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    Any Back Pain Remedies?

    Very much a soapbox moment here, sounds like a recent graduate, cure cancer and dementia type of PT..... PT is an option, just as are injections (depending on severity) Chiropractic (depending on the exact condition, cause, duration) and so is the gym/strength training options. Obviously a...
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    Any Back Pain Remedies?

    Oh boy....where to start....How about the phrase, "PICK YOUR DOCTOR, PICK YOUR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT"
  14. B

    My son's first elk

    Congrats on a great hunt! Where in NE Wi are ya from?
  15. B

    MT Sheep Hunter Fined

    Sad but probably true...