PEAX Equipment

Recent content by AZmagnum

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    Anyone getting antsy for results??

    AZ402, why didn't you go down to that bar in cottonwood and crack that bobcat over the head with a pool stick?
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    Anyone getting antsy for results??

    I bet a lot of those rejected apps. were because of bounced checks and not just mistakes. Im going crazy waiting to see if I got my first or second choice for elk! need to know which unit to shed hunt this weeked
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    Cancer sucks

    Count me in for a pledge this year. I will keep an eye out for that link. Thanks for doing this for all the kids out there, shows extreme class
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    New truck

    You forgot Bin Ladin on skin flute!
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    Heading to Texas.

    Sounds like a plan to me. Hell might even let you tag along
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    Heading to Texas.

    I think I will just go ahead and win the elk raffle tag this year!
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    Dead Oryx Pics...

    sounds like you guys had a great time. I need the rest of the story! congats again on your hunts
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    Idaho buck

    That's a good buck. I have hunted southern Idaho every year for the past four years.
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    2009 AZ Javelina. (Pic Heavy & Long)

    Way to lay the smack down on them pigs! Always a pefect animal for kids to start out on.
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    First shed of '09

    Cant wait to get out there myself. Couple more weeks here. nice shed thanks for sharing
  11. A

    Mounts came in

    That impala looks great. Congrats
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