Filter water from catchments?


Feb 16, 2018
Yukon, OK
Hey guys, I’m curious if anyone has ever filtered water from a catchment and purified it for drinking. Being that water sources are pretty scarce out in the AZ desert, it seems like the only other option would be hauling in several gallons of water.
I used to volunteer on catchment projects in AZ. No way in hell would I drink, even filtered water from them.
And honestly, I never found a spot in the desert where hauling water was necessary. Lots of roads and trails in most spots. If there is a catchment, theres typically a road going to it anyways so if you're near a catchment, you're near a road. Learn an area well enough, you may find a spring to drink from.
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im headed out to AZ for mulies tomorrow and plan on hunting out of my backpack in wilderness areas. The map says that there are springs, but I have no idea if they’re actually producing water, or they’re seasonal.
If you have to filter from a guzzler or stock pond I would defiantly have a 2 stage filter process.
First to remove major floaties like a coffee filter or diesel particulate filter.
Then a pump or gravity filter to get the stuff you can't see.
Well maybe 4 stages.
Then some drops like aquamira.
Then some kind of mix to cover the taste that will still be in the water.
Good luck on your hunt.
On my elk hunt and watched 40 cattle drink, pee and poop in the water all at the same time. Maybe was 50 feet from a logging road. After they left had several people hiking the AZ trail walk up and use a tiny hand pump and drink the water. Those filters must do an amazing job.

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