Minnesota 2018 Season

Good job getting it done, you must be in an area that is managed or intensive? I'm about 2 hours straight west of the cities and it was 95 here on Saturday and 92 on Sunday. Way too hot for me to get out, but this week looks awesome.
Good job getting it done, you must be in an area that is managed or intensive?

I'm in the South Metro and hunt a few different areas: 601, 339, and 338. This doe was from zone 601 so I used a bonus permit on her. I'm really looking forward to the cool down this week. I love summer but boy those 90 degree days are getting old!
Apparently my final park hunt drawing was held last night (they don't post the draw dates) and I had my name in two different hats. Not successful on the first, and drew as an alternate on the second. I will find out in a couple of weeks if my name gets added to the hunt roster, otherwise I'll receive a preference point for both.

Forecast is calling for heavy rains for the next several days but I'm hoping to be able to stop at the MBRB hunt location and choose my stand location. We're required to send our stand coordinates to the Hunt Leader by end of week, so I'm really hoping for a break in the weather this afternoon.

It's looking like Friday after work might be my next opportunity to get out in the woods. I'm hoping the weather holds as predicted so that I can get into a new spot that I've been excited about hunting this year. The weekend can't come soon enough!
Sent in my coordinates for the park hunt today and snuck out of work early to get an evening sit in. I headed for a new piece of property that I’ve been waiting for an evening to hunt. The change in temperature really has me itching to get in the stand.

After a long hike in I was set up by 5:30. It was a great sit, but no deer. Just a crisp early fall in the woods, and the coyotes were howling as I packed up. Not a bad way to end a workweek!

With the MBRB hunt starting tomorrow I am off of work starting this afternoon. Stand setup is at noon and I plan have that done in short order. Rather than going back to work I'm heading to scout another piece of public that I wasn't able to make it to over the summer. Hoping to not find a bunch of sign from waterfowlers on this piece as I think it has some deer potential. The next three days will find me in Clearly Lake park overlooking a well worn trail. Highs are in the 50s and lows in the 30s and 40s this weekend. Should be a fun weekend of hunting, and it's always better than working on a Friday!
Friday morning came early for me and I was on my way to the park by 5:15am. A quick stop at the sign-in location and I was on my way to my parking area. A short walk later found me in my stand, set up and ready at 6am. I can't tell you how nice it was to just get to my tree and already have the stand set up. Much quieter than setting up or climbing like I'm used to.


My chosen location wasn't set up for the wind we had, but it was to be my spot for the next three days. The action started around 8:30am when a buck came by but managed to stay obstructed by the brush. As he was milling around, a family group of 6 does came right through my lane. Hoping that the buck would follow, I let them through without drawing. As it often happens, the buck did not follow suit and they all walked out of the area without spooking. An hour later another doe and her twin buck / doe fawns came through and offered several shot opportunities. I let them through also, and while mom sensed something wasn't quite right they never scented or spooked. I ended up seeing two tails throughout the morning to go along with the 10 close encounters. It was a great start to the morning. Friday afternoon, and subsequent two days did not result in any additional action. Weather was on the chilly side with very little cloud cover and a full moon.

As a group we harvested 6 deer total in this first period. It was a very enjoyable hunt and a great group of hunters. It certainly had a deer camp type atmosphere, where everyone worked together and celebrated the day's hunt at the sign in location. I typically hunt alone so the camaraderie was fun to be around. Through talking I found one of the other hunters was heading out to Wyoming in a couple of weeks to an antelope unit I've hunted in past years. We had a good discussion over the map after Friday's hunt and I was happy to share my experiences.

I am still pretty pooped after the string of early mornings and long hours on stand but it's back to the work world for me. I'm definitely looking forward to the second hunt period at the end of October!
Received notification on my final park hunt that my name was removed from the alternate list and added to the active roster. I'll have orientation next week and get to hunt the first three Mon-Wed in November. I was quite surprised to receive the email, but excited nonetheless. I'll have to find some time scout this park a bit in the next few weeks. The park does a good job publishing maps with both aerial and topo views so I've got a good idea where to start.
I was only able to get out once this weekend, Saturday evening. We've been getting a ton of rain over the past week and flooding wasn't top of mind until I was trying to cross a weir to get to a location I'd scouted on the NWR. I ended up having to turn back and set up in an area that I'd never laid eyes on before. No deer sightings, but did see a coyote that passed by me at about 25 yards. Wasn't my best spot by any means, but it was better than sitting at home.

Heavy rains are in the forecast early this week, but the weekend looks to be clear. I've got an orientation on Wednesday, then plan to be in a spot that I think will be productive on Saturday morning. Pheasant hunters will be the wildcard as that season opens this coming weekend. I plan to be all set up well before them in hopes they will push some deer back towards my blind.
Haven’t been out the last few weeks. I’m biding my time for these next four weeks of park hunts. Scouting for the second weekend of the MBRB was last week and I took the opportunity to find a location that’s a little more conducive to a west wind (predominant direction). Scratched out a mock scrape and primed it tonight. The next time I’m in there will be Thursday to hang my stand.

Planning to go from hanging that stand to scouting the other park. I’ve been waiting to get my registration info so I could hang a camera but might have to skip that if we don’t get it soon. I was fortunate to meet another hunter at this orientation who is also in the MBRB hunt. We collaborated on spots for park and I am extremely grateful for his insight.

The rut should be right around the corner for us. Definitely excited to be back in a tree come Friday!
Stand is hung and very well brushed in. I got creative and used a combo of steps, sticks, and my climber to get in the right spot. My thinking is that the climber platform is bigger so I should be able to sit longer. My goal is an all day sit and those are usually a challenge for me.

Put a little more buck scent in the mock scrape and plan to hang some doe estrous wicks tomorrow morning. Hopefully the smell of an early popping doe will bring the bucks in!

After hanging I scooted over to the other park and scouted a bit. It’s a large park but with 80 licensees I needed to mark multiple locations. Unlike MBRB, there are no zones and it’s first come first served. If I can get in there at the start of hanging and grab my number one spot I’ll be happy.

If the rain holds off this weekend it should be an exciting time to be in the stand!
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