Stand for the Anthem


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
My favorite NFL team is, and has been for over 40 years the Dallas Cowboys. So, putting that aside, I feel that Jerry Jones and his policy of his team standing for the Anthem is warranted. I would feel the same as a fan for any team. You? mtmuley
I don't follow any professional sport, but if you are at an event here in America you stand respectfully for the anthem. If you don't respect this country and need to protest then leave in protest...I will applaud for that!
This is such a $*)Q!#@$ smokescreen. That people pay more than a second of attention to this manufactured issue is why we're so absolutely screwed.

Wake TF up.
It's not politically correct to disagree with the liberal cause celebre of actors, useful idiots, or pro athletes (redundant grouping).
As a middle class white male, I can't weigh in on this particular protest. I would always stand for the anthem, but it may mean something different to me than it does to them.
Personally I will stand my wife will stand and my children will stand. A lot of men & women have sacrificed a lot so I can stand.

What they sacrificed for gives me the individual the right to stand or kneel. I don't agree with them kneeling but I think it is their right and no one should tell them what to do.

It is a little sticky because the NFL is a job and a business. I don't like dressing up every day to go to work but I understand the requirements of my profession.

Probably 3 or 4th down the list of hobbies of mine is basketball. One of my favorite sports and I enjoy the workout, I try to play 3-4 times a week. I grew up in Milwaukee and I played all over the city. Living in Iowa honestly there isn't a lot of interaction with black folks. All of my black friends are guys I play ball with. I respect the hell out of them. One of them played football for Iowa and he was able to get his master in 4 years. He worked his tail off.

When this first happened I was totally against it but I asked my buddy his thoughts. He said if he was still playing he would take a knee. Guy is a concealed carry holder, never broke a law in his life and I don't think he has had a lot of interaction with LEO's. With that he said he fears getting pulled over even for a simple speeding ticket. It opened my eyes up some.

Do I think the USA is perfect, nope. Do I think it is the best place on this planet to live, hell ya.
I’m not sure what’s more unamerican. Not standing or forcing people to stand.
I want you to want to stand. Not be forced to.
They aren't being forced to do anything. If they don't want to follow their employers rules, then they don't have to be employed by them anymore. It is a choice.