Accessing Landlocked National Forest..

I think a call to law enforcement or even the county prosecutor and judge would be appropriate. Legality is too often interpreted by others. It may be long process to come out "legal". I'm not saying its right, just being realistic with possible outcomes.
My recollection from when Big Fin did this is that they used a helicopter and landed on grass - not on a road. I may be wrong but believe that Wingman used a supercub to access the same area and landed on a road. If it was me I would talk to the BLM, if only so they know what you are up to. Make sure you touch down and are airborne while still on BLM.
If you're anticipating some potential "harassment" from an Outfitter, perhaps consider having a Go Pro video camera or similar with you? If you're confronted with a situation, the fact you're documenting it on video, might keep you from saying anything regrettable, while the person harassing you may be documenting themselves either breaking hunter harassment statutes, or perhaps opening themselves up for civil suits? I know I wouldn't take any guff from someone on public lands. In Colorado, at the very least you could file a complaint with DORA, and see what happens from that?
I'm not sure of all the laws in the outfitter world but he can't guide on NF can he or can he lease NF to guide on. I got in a HUGE pissing match with an outfitter one time over some boundaries and marked trailhead that in his mind weren't real and he repeatedly said he couldn't guide of forest service so he wasn't allowing access through his stuff to get there. So if that's true and he can't access that deal then make sure HE isn't breaking the law as well. I dunno the whole access thing anymore just sucks, but if i were you and were confident about it......SEND IT BRO and have yourself a great time. Good luck! I'd probably take a super cub not some hang glider might be tough to get a elk out!

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