Caribou Gear



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
U.P. of Michigan

Feeling the need to reach out. Last Thursday, my brother unexpectedly passed away and yesterday, my sister also passed away unexpectedly; both in their early 50’s. To lose two siblings in a few days, is no doubt devastating. Tomorrow, I will be flying out to Florida, to make arrangements to get my sister back home for burial, at which time we will be saying our final good byes to both. Im posting this tragic moment in my life, not necessarily for sympathy, but to remind everyone to cherish your family as much as possibly; spend time with them, call them, tell them how much you love them, etc, because you never know when you'll get that call that they are gone. RIP Mike & Sherri
That is absolutely terrible. So sorry for your loss. Brings perspective to me, and hopefully many others.
So sorry to hear your news! I can only hope and pray that this all brings the rest of the family and many others closer to each other and to the Lord for strength. Peace be with you !
Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad and his mother within 48hrs of each other, so I can relate somewhat. Keep telling their stories. It seems to help me.
Our hearts go out to you. My family is going through health issues, and they seem to multiply daily. Keep the faith, you are in our prayers.
Sorry to hear that. Keep your chin up.

Life and death is a very real thing. You never know when either can happen. Cherish it while you can, with whoever you can.