
My god people it was a QUESTION and or OPINION. I am 70 and still hunt every day I can in season. I was in a VFW hall the other day talking hunting with some friends when WE were ask that question. I found it interesting and wanted to get YOUR ANSWERS and or OPINION. Now I find out if you don't live in Montana or Wyoming IT IS NOT ALLOWED to ask !
Not a fan of the idea and that’s coming from a guy whose 76-year-old dad will be applying for his first Montana deer tag next month.
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My god people it was a QUESTION and or OPINION. I am 70 and still hunt every day I can in season. I was in a VFW hall the other day talking hunting with some friends when WE were ask that question. I found it interesting and wanted to get YOUR ANSWERS and or OPINION. Now I find out if you don't live in Montana or Wyoming IT IS NOT ALLOWED to ask !

Calm down a little now.... :) Some of us are just having a little fun at your expense....And I don't live in MT or WY...

I believe you can see from the answers and opinions it's a no. \thread
Not a fan of the idea and that’s coming from a guy whose 76-year-old dad will be applying for his first Montana deer tag next month.

Good luck to you, if applying in Montana make sure you cross your fingers, guessing the deer combo will only be about 50 % draw.
Now I find out if you don't live in Montana or Wyoming IT IS NOT ALLOWED to ask !
pabearhunter, it is okay to ask as there seems to be more discounts, freebies, and other perks available to seniors every day, perhaps due to the power and influence of AARP. As someone seventy-three but still able to climb a tree, I continue to pridefully reject those things that attempt to identify me as an "old guy". Although retired and on fixed income, I purchase several hunting licenses which I don't usually use, primarily to support Montana's hunting and wildlife.

Perhaps as seniors, we should attempt to project more of our "wisdom" and influential power regarding public lands and wildlife through organizations adjunct to existing ones ... such as "BHA-AARP", or "RMEF-AARP", or "TU-AARP"!;)
Pabearhnter - if any of your VFW pals are 40% or more DAV Idaho discounts their licenses. MD and elk are OTC.
Not crazy about this idea at all.

What I think we should all support, is people from states like Kansas for instance that don’t have national forest or BLM ground should get guaranteed tags so they can head out west and experience the opportunities that we don’t have in our home state. Of course we will pay for them............. unless your name is Ryan and then maybe you should get a free tag every other year.
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Not crazy about this idea at all.

What I think we should all support his people from states like Kansas for instance they don’t have national forest or BLM ground should get guaranteed tags so they can head out west and experience the opportunities that we don’t have our home state. Of course will pay for them............. unless your name is Ryan and then maybe you should get a free tag every other year.

And of course those Kansas residents would forfeit their Kansas hunting privileges for the year and would give access to nonresidents from say Colorado to come chase pheasants, ducks, and whitetails on their property for the entirety of the season. Millions of acres for access to your back 40 seems fair right?
Clearly the “value” comes in the state’s bottom line. But there are states that agree with your sentiment. California comes to mind. Oregon comes awfully close to zero with its NR allocation.

That part always blows my mind, didn't something happen in 1776 to make you guys all equal? I find it crazy when people from the same country think someone else shouldn't be able to hunt there because they live over an imaginary line. By the same token what's it matter if someone from the other side of the world wants to come do it? I support international nd interstate hunters here (except Tasmanians) haha

P.s. I was meant to tag the post you tagged sorry mate!
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That part always blows my mind, didn't something happen in 1776 to make you guys all equal? I find it crazy when people from the same country think someone else shouldn't be able to hunt there because they live over an imaginary line. By the same token what's it matter if someone from the other side of the world wants to come do it? I support international nd interstate hunters here (except Tasmanians) haha

P.s. I was meant to tag the post you tagged sorry mate!
Our Constitution wasn't until later, but 40 years ago they figured out the [lack of] rights of non-residents. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/436/371/case.html
And of course those Kansas residents would forfeit their Kansas hunting privileges for the year and would give access to nonresidents from say Colorado to come chase pheasants, ducks, and whitetails on their property for the entirety of the season. Millions of acres for access to your back 40 seems fair right?
This is the third craziest thing I have read in this post. The OP, my post, and your response are so damn crazy it just might work. I think we should all contact her state reps and just do away with the whole Tags system for every state. Go where you want to shoot what you want.Because gosh dang it we are all special and unique and we deserve those tags.
I would... but I think Mr. Gardner blocked my number due to my incessant calling against PLT to keep those public lands public.
Crazy, over here non-resident licenses are only applicable for those not residents of the country!

Generally speaking how much autonomy do states and territories have in Australia? I know Canada has a similar similar system with nonresident tags, although to some extent stricter with non resident citizens having to go guided.
Generally speaking how much autonomy do states and territories have in Australia? I know Canada has a similar similar system with nonresident tags, although to some extent stricter with non resident citizens having to go guided.

Each state has its own rules regarding hunting, only a few states actually have public land available. NT is the only state that has state resident only areas of public but they have other issues with indigenous ownership.

My state internationals need to hunt with a resident, not a guide though.
Senior citizens should not be receiving extra benefits. In fact they should be paying extra into a special fund because we have to deal with them driving down the freeway at 40mph in the fast lane with their left turn blinker stuck on and trunk open.
Senior citizens should not be receiving extra benefits. In fact they should be paying extra into a special fund because we have to deal with them driving down the freeway at 40mph in the fast lane with their left turn blinker stuck on and trunk open.

If you are speaking ENGLISH and getting paid with AMERICAN dollars then YOU should be THANKING a SENIOR AMERICAN VET.
IMO, regarding the OP, I have to say no. This whole move to cater to youth or seniors is going to far in my opinion.

Here in Iowa it's running rampant. Pretty much the entirety of the deer seasons has been opened up to youth to hunt on their youth tag, never mind they can get tags for the general seasons as well as the special youth season. Only thing missing was bow and now there is a bill in the legislature to open that up to the youth tag too.

Another bill would create a crossbow tag for hunters age 70+ to use during the archery season. This would actually be another tag for them. Never mind the fact that once over 70 you automatically are allowed to use a crossbow on your general archery tag.:confused: So while everyone else is limited to 1 archery buck if you're over 70 you could get 2. I think it's really just another attempt to insert crossbow friendly language into our regs.
62 & I don't expect special treatment.
Except the ones I have earned,or maybe 1 Gila bull tag. LOL
I don't think youth should get the special hunt tags like they do in NM either. I know THAT will be a real unpopular opine. Starts the entitlement attitude early here. IMHO
But I started @ legal age of 16 and never had a leg up in the draw.Same chance as everyone else.

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