Caribou Gear

Another Texas Whitetail + a scoring question


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Shot what I’m pretty sure is my best Whitetail buck this morning. I haven’t put a tape to him yet, but when I do, how do you score this deers left side. Is the 3rd point a typical G3 and you would go all the way back to the main beam to measure it? What about the circumference measurements?

Untitled by naathan2, on Flickr

Untitled by naathan2, on Flickr

Close up:

Untitled by naathan2, on Flickr

I’m very happy with him regardless of what he scores, just curious with the palmation how it works.

Thanks, Nathan
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Thanks. This one isn't close to book at all and will get a ton of deducts.

I put a tape on him a few minutes ago and I came up with 135" on the dot. The big questions are the G3 and the H3. I scored it like you would any other tine and measured it back to the main beam line. That gave the G3 something like 5 6/8". The biggest mass measurement of all of them was the H3 with that webbing. It measured 6 4/8".

I have some trail camera pictures of him from earlier in the year. He disappeared for a month or so and I was thankful that he showed back up again and our schedules aligned this morning.
Forget score. I don't get that deduct stuff. They should get credit for all they grow. Just my .02
Nice buck
No idea in regards to your question but he's a beauty. Get this one on your Lubbock property too?
Congrats on the buck! The left third point is very close to the typical/nontypical threshold. At first glance, I thought nontypical all day but when you really look at it, the point appears to make it all the way down to the main beam. I think you scored it correct, left side G 1,2,3,4 and a large H3. Just because score isn't the most important thing doesn't mean it should be forgotten. Congrats again.
It is a great buck and you should be happy.
As for scoring. The point in question could be a typical point if it had a match. It does appear to come to the main beam, but it could also be offset. The pictures do not show it but if there is a shelf on on the mainbeam on the outside of the point the point would be nontypical. The point is however nontypical because it is not matched on the other antler. The next point down the mainbean would be the G3. The H3 would not be taken around the webbing but at the smallest point between the G2 and G3.

Points like that one are hard on score but great on eye appeal. A good trade off in my book
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A scoring system that deducts points due to asymmetry (character) is fundamentally flawed and should be tossed in the trash heap IMO.

That’s a really cool buck. Congrats!
I don't believe a tine has to be matched to be typical.

Thought that too until this last spring.
It is possible for a typical point to be unmatched if the unmatched point is the last one on the mainbeam.
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Thought that too until this last spring.
It is possible for a typical point to be unmatched if the unmatched point is the last one on the mainbeam.

And straight from the records dept at B&C: An unmatched normal is abnormal.
Thought that too until this last spring.
It is possible for a typical point to be unmatched if the unmatched point is the last one on the mainbeam.

So would you start with the tines the furthest down the main beam and work backwards saying they are unmatched? Or would you visually look at it and say that the webbed one clearly doesn't have a match on the other side so it is abnormal?

It really doesn't make much difference on mine, I think it would lose just under 4" if you had to move the H3 measurement off of the webbed area.
Thought that too until this last spring.
It is possible for a typical point to be unmatched if the unmatched point is the last one on the mainbeam.

And straight from the records dept at B&C: An unmatched normal is abnormal.

I stand corrected. Good info!
If that third point wasn't connected to the G2 and clearly came off the main beam, would it still be abnormal since the forth point clearly matches the right G3? God, I love talking antlers.
That is correct. The fourth point on the left matches the the best with third point on the right so those two points would be the G3's. The buck does looks to have a broken unmatched G4 on the left. If that point qualifies as a point its length would be entered as the left G4 and not a nontypical point. Even if the broken G4 does not qualify as a point the the H4 would be taken at the smallest point between the G3 and the broken point and not Half way out the beam from the G3 as the H4 would be taken on the right side
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That 3rd point shares a common base and would be considered a nontypical point for scoring

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