Zinke trying to compete with the rest of the Swamp Creatures.


Sep 30, 2016
Interior Secretary Zinke is tying to compete with Tom Price and others in his use of private jets for travel.

Both the WP and Politico report that Zinke spent at least $12,000 on a charter jet flight. The charter jet was conveniently owned by Nielson & Associates, an oil-and-gas exploration and production firm. The flight was from Las Vegas to Kalispell Montana.

Zinke has also taken private flights when he visited the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in March. (I guess he thought visiting the Caribbean was one of his first priorities after taking office.)

One of the interesting things I learned in this article is that Ryan Zinke (The great outdoorsman) has a home in Santa Barbara California. The home is located in Hope Ranch. This is what Wiki says about Hope Ranch: In addition to being one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch is one of the wealthiest areas in California; the median home price was $2.61 million in 2006.[2] Houses with ocean views generally list for at least $5 million, with oceanfront properties going for $25 million and more.

Zinke is a swamp creature. He is not benevolent; he is not going to help us the sportsmen and women who love OUR Public Lands.

He is about the Extraction Industry, he is about earnings per share for his cronies, and he is about lining his own pocket.

Don’t be fooled by Zinke riding around on his painted pony; don’t be fooled by his cowboy hat; don’t be fooled by the posed pictures of him next to a stream or mountain.

Above all, don’t carry water for him or anyone else who wants to do harm to OUR Public Lands.


Drum Roll....

Mark, your threads simply entrench people. Your hostile approach to bringing what may be reasonable information to the masses only gains the "halleluiahs" of those in your choir.

If you found a toned means to present info to people who may ADD to the opposition of Zinke column, to consider the shared info, you may find more people receptive to your threads. However, if you present as you do, it immediately presents a perceived activist type slanted viewpoint.

Just sayin'... you don't need more choir members to sing your praise, I imagine the objective is to swell the numbers that find objection to Zinke, et al. Then again maybe it is a self esteem issue and simply seeking the choir boys and girls pats on the back...? I don't think so at least I hope not.

I don't read beyond your first aggressive outburst. At that point your remaining comments are about as valuable as reading a PETA Alert or NRA "Obama's illegal search and seizure of all your guns"...

Looky that, I spent a whoop-load of time, just for you and your choir boys / girls. Meh, I'm getting paid while writing this so all is well from my end. :)

But hey, it's just an internet forum post, right? ;) Entrench of enlighten... Depends on your objective.

Ridiculously stupid post.Now I can't get those couple minutes of my life back
One of the interesting things I learned in this article is that Ryan Zinke (The great outdoorsman) has a home in Santa Barbara California. The home is located in Hope Ranch. This is what Wiki says about Hope Ranch: In addition to being one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch is one of the wealthiest areas in California; the median home price was $2.61 million in 2006.[2] Houses with ocean views generally list for at least $5 million, with oceanfront properties going for $25 million and more.

I grew up north of there and lived in various areas of Santa Barbara County until I was 27. It was a great place to grow up. I knew a bunch of really nice people from Hope Ranch who had been blessed with success. Should we now discount folks who are fortunate enough, or made enough wise decisions in life that they can own a nice house in a good neighborhood, or a second home?

Dumb post Mark...
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I grew up north of there and lived in various areas of Santa Barbara County until I was 27. It was a great place to grow up. I knew a bunch of really nice people from Hope Ranch who had been blessed with success. Should we now discount folks who are fortunate enough, or made enough wise decisions in life that they can own a nice house in a good neighborhood, or a second home?

Dumb post Mark...

Well since he is so blessed with success he should be paying for his own private jet flights and not screwing the taxpayer.
I don't agree with Zinke's work thus far as SOI, but I don't really give a rat's ass where he lives.

Not sure I get the outrage about charter jets either. Without seeing what standard practice from previous administrations has been, it's pretty hard to take it in proper context.
I don't agree with Zinke's work thus far as SOI, but I don't really give a rat's ass where he lives.

Not sure I get the outrage about charter jets either. Without seeing what standard practice from previous administrations has been, it's pretty hard to take it in proper context.

We'll see how this all plays out with Zinke and his travel issues, not ready to Condemn him yet but this may be bigger than some of you are willing to even entertain. Let's get the facts then decide, ok?
but this may be bigger than some of you are willing to even entertain. Let's get the facts then decide, ok?

I'm willing to entertain anything. I agree with getting facts, hence the reason I said this:

Without seeing what standard practice from previous administrations has been, it's pretty hard to take it in proper context.
I don't agree with Zinke's work thus far as SOI, but I don't really give a rat's ass where he lives.

Not sure I get the outrage about charter jets either. Without seeing what standard practice from previous administrations has been, it's pretty hard to take it in proper context.

It doesn't matter what previous admins did. The libs have a convenient ability to look the other way when their chosen elites do anything (see hildog, dnc, holder, lynch, etc). The pitchforks have been out since last November when their world was shattered...
It doesn't matter what previous admins did. The libs have a convenient ability to look the other way when their chosen elites do anything (see hildog, dnc, holder, lynch, etc). The pitchforks have been out since last November when their world was shattered...

Well hello Sunshine
. Where is hoser these days anyway?

You didn't see that ANTIFA protester get beat senseless by that Hells Angel? It was all over the news. About 2 months ago. He had a pink sombrero shaped like female genitalia and a Che shirt on.

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