Poachers nailed in WA

I was just talking with my state rep (who is a friend of mine) about this case. I complained to her about the traditional slap on the wrist penalties that bastards like these guys get when sentenced. She told me she'd look into it and possibly be able to make recommendations with other state legislators, but of course, it's ultimately up to the judge. It's going to be interesting to see what happens if these guys are convicted.
noun (pl) -ties
exemption or immunity from punishment or recrimination
exemption or immunity from unpleasant consequences: a successful career marked by impunity from early mistakes
with impunity
with no unpleasant consequences
with no care or heed for such consequences
Word Origin
C16: from Latin impūnitās freedom from punishment, from impūnis unpunished, from im- (not) + poena punishment
Hopefully Washingtonians, sportsmen and others, will get after the DA prosecuting all this and demand serious consequences. DAs, it seems, give softball plea bargains to poaching cases so they can spend time on crimes that hurt people. As noted above, poaching is stealing from the people who value wildlife. I see conspiracy and organized crime in the description of this poaching operation. IMO, this would be a great case to make a strong anti-poaching example of.
I just spent 3 days elk hunting within a short hike from their base of operations near Mt Adams. These people make me wanna puke.
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