Utah limited deer unit feedback


Sep 1, 2010
My dad and I are getting close to the points needed as well as the time available to put in for Utah limited deer. We have 15 points, so we are right on the edge of Vernon and the 2 bookcliffs hunts. We are expecting our second child this summer so additional hunts weren't in the picture for me this year, but I figured it is a good time to fire up research again.

In the past, we looked at the bookcliffs, but it has since split into the 2 hunts and made for an additional option. We also have researched the west desert mt Vernon hunt some.

I guess I am hoping for some general thoughts about these units. I think I am leaning towards one of the bookcliffs hunts. We are not trophy hunters, but don't care to hunt small bucks for that type of investment either. My dad will be 70 next year, but does incredibly well for his age. We like to get away from the roads enough to leave the road hunters behind, though the days of backpack hunts are past for dad. It is a little too much work for him these days.

Anyway, I am hoping someone will offer some advice or thoughts on the units. Obviously we are not going this year, so I am not really trying to find any specifics. Just trying to narrow down. So any advice or info you would be willing to share would be great. Especially if you have info between the 2 bookcliffs hunts. Pms are always welcome if there is something you don't want to share with the whole world but are willing to let me in on. Thanks in advance and good luck to all on your draws this year! Shane
Doesn't look like your getting much help, so ill bump this back up to the top.

I have not had a tag for any Utah LE Mule Deer units, so take everything with a grain of salt. But i do a little bit of research each year when it gets slow (aka now) because I'm also applying and building points in hopes to draw a LE tag one day. I don't know if you are a resident or a non resident. That can make a big difference. Personally ide like to look for a bigger deer, so with that said, I don't think the Book Cliffs have too many big deer, but supposedly it has a lot of deer, many bucks, with a tendency of having 3 point or 3x4 genetics. I hear the Vernon is a tougher hunt and gets the shiz scouted out of it, but it has some better bucks. Thing is, you will be competing with all the locals who scout it often, and Utah'ns take their deer hunting and scouting pretty seriously.

If it were me, ide try and draw a late muzzleloader hunt on a general season unit. But most of those hunts only offer 1 NR, maaaaayyybeee 2 NR tags. Making it impossible (or nearly impossible) to draw with your dad if that's what you are trying to do. Do some research on Diamond Mtn unit, Dolores Triangle unit, and Crawford Mtn unit.

Lastly, 15 points is a lot of points to burn. Think about trying to draw your dad separately. Focus both of your effort on his hunt. Then try and draw some hunt for yourself in the future, maybe like the Pauns with your dad tagging along. You'll be 16 years older before you have the same amount of points again, and who knows what max points will be that far down the line...
I personally would not hunt book cliffs north rifle if it was me sitting on 15 points. It is a super fun hunt and you will see a ridiculous amount of bucks in absolutely gorgeous country but finding a 150+ is a real challenge. There are some really big bucks there but can be very difficult to find during the migration.
I'm planning on purchasing some preference/bonus points for both deer and elk in Utah this year, but I can't decide between preference or bonus points for either species (i.e. preference pts for the general units vs. bonus points for the LE units). I'm leaning towards picking up a preference point for deer and a bonus point for elk. I will not be hunting this year; just purchasing points.

Can anyone weigh in on what the general hunts for both deer and elk are like? Is it worth it to purchase the preference points for these hunts or should I just get bonus points for the limited entry hunts. I do not want to hunt spike bull elk only, so those hunts are out for me.
What is the hesitancy in grabbing points for all species in Utah? You incur the cost of the hunting license to apply for just a single species yet the incremental cost to add a second or third, etc, species is around $10 each, correct? By buying the license near end of application window in Year 1 then can use the same 365 day license to apply early in the application period in Year 2 so that lowers the cost to apply.
Fork Hunter. Decisions decisions. You are also just a few years out from being able to draw San Juan/Elk Ridge.
Thanks for the replies and a couple PM's I received so far. I like the different thoughts. I had already started entertaining the idea of getting Dad drawn and split it into 2 hunts. That may be the way to go. Plus, he actually has one more point than I have due to me messing up my application years back. I started to feel like 15 years is a long time to wait for what the book Cliffs seem to be...... I guess I am in no hurry, really. It might be the only time I deer hunt utah in my life, so I would like a decent hunt. Dad, on the other hand, has a little shorter window to do things. We have another dozen points in Colorado and max points for wyoming elk that he needs to burn sometime soon too!
What is the hesitancy in grabbing points for all species in Utah?

Thanks for the suggestion, Lope. To be honest I guess I just don't have that much of an interest in OIL hunts. I'm much more interested in finding hunts that I can consistently apply for and draw. I'd like to just get enough points for an elk tag and then not have to keep applying for those other species during the 5 year waiting period (haven't looked, but I assume you lose the points if you don't apply every 2 or 3 years or something?). Even if not...I just don't feel like applying for the next 20-30 years for 1 in 2000-3000 odds. Also, having 20 points for sheep or goats doesn't really seem to boost your odds all that much. When they're only giving out 1 or 2 NR tags per unit it seems a lot more random. If I ever want to do moose, sheep, or goats I'll probably just go to Alaska.
I'm new to Utah but if I understand their draw system correctly they do not have a draw for general season elk only limited entry. So bonus points for elk would be useful. They do have a draw for general season buck deer so bonus or preference points would be helpful for deer. Utah only allows you to be successful for one tag,for one species, in the drawing per year. You can only put in for one bonus point for one of the once in a lifetime species per year and you can't apply for a bonus point for any species you put in a draw for.
Doesn't look like your getting much help, so ill bump this back up to the top.

I have not had a tag for any Utah LE Mule Deer units, so take everything with a grain of salt. But i do a little bit of research each year when it gets slow (aka now) because I'm also applying and building points in hopes to draw a LE tag one day. I don't know if you are a resident or a non resident. That can make a big difference. Personally ide like to look for a bigger deer, so with that said, I don't think the Book Cliffs have too many big deer, but supposedly it has a lot of deer, many bucks, with a tendency of having 3 point or 3x4 genetics. Since I usually bow hunt I don't go anywhere without compound bowstrings from the compound bow string listing on any string site. I hear the Vernon is a tougher hunt and gets the shiz scouted out of it, but it has some better bucks. Thing is, you will be competing with all the locals who scout it often, and Utah'ns take their deer hunting and scouting pretty seriously.

If it were me, ide try and draw a late muzzleloader hunt on a general season unit. But most of those hunts only offer 1 NR, maaaaayyybeee 2 NR tags. Making it impossible (or nearly impossible) to draw with your dad if that's what you are trying to do. Do some research on Diamond Mtn unit, Dolores Triangle unit, and Crawford Mtn unit.

Lastly, 15 points is a lot of points to burn. Think about trying to draw your dad separately. Focus both of your effort on his hunt. Then try and draw some hunt for yourself in the future, maybe like the Pauns with your dad tagging along. You'll be 16 years older before you have the same amount of points again, and who knows what max points will be that far down the line...

Is there even anything huge out there at all? Like even any stragglers?
Thanks, JFrohreich. I didn't realize you can only draw a tag for one species in each year. Good to know. I was aware about not needing points for elk general units; just didn't convey that properly in my original post. I'm tempted to accumulate bonus points for elk, but hunt their general units in the meanwhile. I'm sure they're tough, tough hunts, but it's the cheapest elk tag in the west so would be a good one to learn on. I haven't elk hunted before and I'm looking for decent hunts to learn the ropes without blowing a ton of money or points.
You've got a few years before you'll draw it, but I would recommend considering San Juan Archery. Its an underrated unit, IMO, and probably the best season on that unit. After the archery hunt, the bucks move off into thicker terrain and are harder to find. Here's a couple of grainy pics I took from the road while driving around. We saw dozens of bucks a day including a few that are great bucks.

PS. I didn't get a picture of the 220"+ buck we jumped out of his bed while walking down a trail, but they are there.

Thanks for the pics, grizzly. These are some phenomenal bucks! When you say San Juan you are talking the limited entry unit and not the San Juan Abajo Mtns. general unit, correct? With bucks like these I assume the former, which gave out 1 NR tag last year and took 13 points to draw.
Thanks for the pics, grizzly. These are some phenomenal bucks! When you say San Juan you are talking the limited entry unit and not the San Juan Abajo Mtns. general unit, correct? With bucks like these I assume the former, which gave out 1 NR tag last year and took 13 points to draw.

I am curious also, Limited SJ or General SJ/Abajo's? I live "closer" to this unit and it seems that I see plenty of deer when I drive through there.
Appears to me that Utah Gen tags for deer are a good way to learn the style & terrain of adjacent units? Build points and hunt general? Which units are worth it with the current increasing drift in point creep? Any thoughts on this?
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These were the limited San Juan archery season. Check out the Facebook page of Black Timber Outfitters. Randy guides to some great bucks every year... if I drew that tag and wanted a guide, I'd be calling him.
These were the limited San Juan archery season. Check out the Facebook page of Black Timber Outfitters. Randy guides to some great bucks every year... if I drew that tag and wanted a guide, I'd be calling him.

Copy that and thanks. I drew a Gen rifle SJ/Abajo tag and folks have been warning me about the zoo it will be there. I feel like its part of the experience and maybe I'll just try to hike further out where it gets better. And then keep going!

Btw Grizzly, I try to follow all the threads for reading stories and researching areas/species I might get to hunt (someday?). I wanted to say congrats on the Goat tag your wife drew. I'm jealous. You're in for a fun one.

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