Fin's weakness - Dogs

If I had found that puppy in the wild, I'd have another dog to take care of. Good job on helping that poor little guy out.

My britt mix is a 7-yo rescue. At the time I adopted him I was traveling a fair bit and couldn't justify spending the coin on a pure bred that I couldn't devote a lot of training and hunting time to. I figured with a rescue, if he would hunt, great, if not, he'd still be a good family dog. Turns out, he does OK for himself.
I'm a sucker for dogs. My dog goes literally everywhere with, shed hunting, shopping, she always goes. She would rather go with me and stay in the truck while I run inside than stay home alone. They say you can often tell a persons character by how they treat their dogs....I'd say you are a standup individual Big Fin (we already knew that though).
Thats what I was thinking. Maybe someone felt that this dog was runty. Fin, you should have hooked a hot dog up to a string and dragged it around to see if the little guy would follow. You never know what they become at that age.

I was thinking it looked like a bird dog with the colors and the tight coat. That undocked tail with how kinked it is makes me wonder if one of the breeds in it is a breed that normally has its tail docked so breeding for a "good tail" isn't normal. But either way, I"m guessing that someone had a dog get in with their hunting dog and they didn't want the pups from such a distingushed sire/dam to be known and lower the prestige of the dog. Instead of just surrendering the pup, they chose the chicke-sh!t way out.
Fin, my 28 month old daughter asks to see "Wandy Nooboog Puppy? Help him?" Over and over and over. You set a fine example, sir!
I hear you. We get dogs dumped out here a lot. Add that to locals who do not take care of them.I went off on some folks in town as I watched the 3rd dog in a week hit on the hwy in town as dogs were just running around & folks did nothing. They were more shocked/upset at my asking why folks just let their dogs run willynilly on a hwy. Brain dead.Walking dead.

I have not had a dog in 7 yrs. Am checking online with the Socorro Rescue Shelter this week. Saw some cute Labs,shepards & hounds.

Hank, I am wondering if that is a New Mexico trait? Reason being, my girlfriend lives in Clayton and the same thing goes on there. She hates walking her two dogs at times because she says other dogs will come charging out of homes/lots at her. Seems most people just shrug their shoulders and say "That's life".

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