Puppy Therapy Thread


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
Just had a litter and thought some of you might enjoy some "puppy therapy" pics as they grow up. My lab, Dixie, had seven, but we lost one pup. He was the runt and only lasted a few hours. Never lost a pup before, out of 7 litters, so that was pretty tough. But the rest are doing great, 2 of each color so nice rainbow litter. Born 1/19/17. 15622092_605010826359896_5231856655972818021_n.jpg16142290_619289541598691_8441921022721707157_n.jpg16174648_619362128258099_8768564649541091637_n.jpg
I am going to give this lab puppy therapy a try. I put my deposit down last week, and will be able to bring her home on Feb 9.
Barley.jpg My couch puppy but now im looking for another lab that I can train to hunt antlers.
20161028_093827.jpg Brook's first pheasant 2016

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Here is a picture of my little girl Brook on the day we brought her home in Nov. 2015
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When I put my deposit on my pup it was after the add for a much more affordable add had been pulled. Well, the add popped back up, and so I went and picked up my pup tonight. She is great. I think she is 12 weeks old now. I feel bad about backing out on the other dog, but this is going to save me 200 dollars. I'm in love. Oh well, the other breeder has the deposit, and I'm not going to ask for it back just because a better deal came along.

Here is a pic. Still can't think of a good name.
My daughter and our new pup Aspen making the most of a nice day last week.IMG_0750.jpg

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