Elk Hunting Episodes on one YouTube playlist

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
If you want to pass some time on the cold winter days, here are all our elk hunts on a single YouTube playlist. Just click on the image below.

NM Elk 2015.jpg

As we start editing the 2016 hunts and our network agreement allows, we will add the new elk episodes to this playlist. We also have quite a few equipment and other short videos on this list. Looks like we've done a lot of elk hunting in the past eight years.

Thanks for watching.
Cool guys. Never watched this before, going to start. I am lucky, I have a small elk herd of about 9 animals that winter on my place in NW Ontario. They only other elk around here are about 40 to 50 animals 30 miles north of me then you have to travel hundreds of miles. I have studied this small group for over a decade and feed them every winter. There are 3 mature bulls and I have found many of their sheds and have had some close encounters while hunting whitetails. Obviously there is no hunting season. Majestic creatures.