Enuf about the Game!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
...........Put in your TOP 3 Comercials, in that Order.

Mine is a Toss up. But probably the top 3 are :

1st : AMP "Jump Start

2nd : JAckie Moon Bud Light

... Bud light... Suck one !! HAHA!!

3rd :Anheuser Bush (Dog and horse)

Honorable mention was Cars.com

Least favorite was the Careere builder. The hear one. WOW !!!

List of all Comercials is here :

I agree with Moosie . . . except that stain pen commercial with the talking stain would be on my list too.
Anything with dumb cavemen doing stupid stuff always cracks me up.(Figures) I think this one was for Bud beer... actually, I'm not sure because I was laughing too hard to pay any attention to what they were selling. Yeah Oscar, that heart flying around commercial was just plain weak and sick. Whoever dreamed that one up has issues and should seek help from a shrink right away.
I guess the Rocky theme Horse and Dog one. But, they were'nt up to the ones from years past.....like Cat Herders or some chit like that. John
Now THAT'S funny!! As if that Molson commercial would EVER get play in America... I can just see the lawsuits stacking up from the shocked Femminist Wimmin's Right's groups. At least the Cannuks can take a joke and know what's funny (and don't pretend to be something they're not.)