Part Time Jobs


Dec 17, 2000
Bountiful, Utah
Well guys, since I don't have to work a full week in my current full time job (great benefit among others) I was thinking of picking up an extra part time job. I am not talking fast food or retail type, but a real job - just part time. What are some cool part time jobs that will pay well, benefits would be a plus but not necessary, and maybe turn into a full time job down the road. I was thinking something in the financial industry, hospitality, HR, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
online poker is a no go....some of you guys know how that would go. Meth dealer....I could probably find a nice supply of that, but then I would have to prosecute myself.

Moosie - isn't the lending biz a bit risky right now? I know there are plenty of places here that are lenders, and there are tons of empty homes too.
Moosie - isn't the lending biz a bit risky right now? I know there are plenty of places here that are lenders, and there are tons of empty homes too.

Yes... If it's your full time job. But if it's "extra" , S what if you only close one or two home deals a month ? Cash in the pocket.
Have you thought about taking taxidermy classes? Start doing your own and you'll get good enough to charge for it. Not exactly a short term proposition but it is an idea.
Have you thought about taking taxidermy classes? Start doing your own and you'll get good enough to charge for it. Not exactly a short term proposition but it is an idea.

Funny? That's what I've been working on! It's a great hobby and when you get comfortable after a LOT of practice, you just might make some decent coin doing what you love! Afterall, isn't that what a career is all about?
If you're just looking for a part time job. How about delivering pizzas? If it's just extra money that you want, there's always lots of joints looking for drivers and you get "some" fringe benefits. I would always "carry" though.

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