Caribou Gear

Year-end wrap up on Conservation issues

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

2011 is in the books. What a wild ride it was. We began the year screaming about wolves, and that quickly led to the ugliest Legislative session in recent history, when it comes to wildlife and conservation issues. Congress, in an attempt to mirror the 62nd legislature, followed suit with a host of poorly crafted and outright hostile bills that would remove existing protections for elk, sheep and many other species, while handing control of our public lands over to one Federal Agency, because, apparently, there’s a bunch of potheads crossing over into Glacier (world renowned for it’s dope and ease of foot navigation, right?).
Thanks a bunch to you Western States. You are paving the way for proper wildlife management across the country. I just read a posting on a different site that the was a small study done in northern MN that had radio tagged 16 deer. 1 died from a hunter, 1 died from unknown, 6 died from wolves. The rest are still alive. It was also noted that Wolves have been killed by car collisions as far south as Elk River, MN which is quite a ways from the big forests in MN. When you see the damage they are doing out west and understand you have an estimated 3000 of them in the northern part of the state you gotta wonder why there is anything left for them to eat at all. We gotta be pumping wolves into Canada and WI by the pack.