Wrestling season


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
Both kids keep my wife and I crazy busy. Right now is wrestling full time for my 8 year old Stone. Part time for my 11 year old Brasen ( he's also playing basketball, meh.) Here's a quick clip of their first tourneys.

Nice! Keep them going with the wrestling - nothing tougher than a wrestler, mentally and physically. Won't be long before they're pinning their dad.
My son wanted to wrestle to kill time during the spring, but then his football coach asked if he would come back in the spring to run his offensive line. I always let him choose and I knew I lost him as a wrestler when coach asked that question. He's 9 and on his 4th season of football already.
Please keep us posted on how the boys do in their season.
Very nice! Wrestling won't start for my two until after the New Year. It'll be interesting to see how we can coordinate getting my oldest to his practices as basketball will still be going on, baseball starts then, as well as wrestling...

Chuckyd- If you son is a lineman, I strongly suggest you at least have him try wrestling. It made a HUGE improvement in my 9yos line play. Line is about leverage and proper use of your hands. Wrestling will make him much better at those aspects.
It's been fun watching those two on FB Stan. Ya'll need to get back this way some day for another visit.
I miss it coached for 17 years and quit so my son could wrestle without having dad as the coach.
He is well into college now and I haven't gone back, cannot believe how much time I gave to the sport now that I am not doing it.
It's killing me wanting to go back but I cannot imagine giving that much time again.

Awesome! I started wrestling when I was 6 years old and ended up wrestling on a Division I team in college. While wrestling may not be the most fun or easiest sport to enjoy, I love the life lessons it teaches you. It has been a part of my life ever since I started. Even now I have a younger brother that wrestles in high school and we have season tickets to Penn State, which we've had since I was about 6.

I would love to get into coaching, but with my work schedule and an hour commute it doesn't leave me much time to do it. My son is a year and a half old now, so I imagine in the next few years I'll eventually get involved with it again. I'm looking forward to coaching him and watching him wrestle! I can imagine how exciting it is for you as a father! Keep them in it and it will help them out in life. Just remember one thing when it comes to sports with children, the only thing that you can expect of them is 100% effort!
Love me some wrestling but having a pee wee and a highschooler going at the same time is nuts. I've soured a lot on youth sports latley but the great thing about youth wrestling is you most often don't have a team to deal with and you can pick and choose when and where you wrestle. kids learn quick with wrestling you get out what you put in. Nothing builds character like wrestling.

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