PEAX Equipment

Walmart Game Camera's..

I was in there today to pick up a couple things for my pack and saw those. Seems like a pretty good deal. They also had the 35mm stealth cams for $49.
I have a version that is slightly different but is basicly the same perfomance and image quality.
It is O.K. i guess. If you want i can mail you some pictures it took. I was pissed that the first one was DOA and the second one works but will not work with the expanded memory card. I have to send that one back as well once i get back from hunting in MT, i dont want to take it down when i will be gone for so long to get pictures.
Daytime pics are good, nightime are poor unless the animal is within 20 feet even though the flash is supposed to be good to 30 feet.
Here is some of my pictures from it. Like i said, Same camera only mine has the solar panel jack (anyone can wire one in though) and a self diagnostic mode (useless) for 45$ extra.
for the pictures CLICK THIS
So, if you want my opinion its a great scouting camera, and only that. Not something that you would be doing 8X10 blow ups and things like that but the way i look at it is this.... I can buy 3 of them and cover more area for the same price as one high end model. All i want it for is to see what is out there and i cannot wait until the rut so i can find out what is making certain scrapes and rubs ect. It has an event counter and i have to say that it rarely misses a picture when something comes through.
Keep in mind that these pictures are in the low resolution mode to save disk space, but at high res you can blow them up better without distortion but the visual quality is the same.
Nice. Thats kind of what I want/ We have tons of Bear pictures. What sucks is sometimes we go up and Grab a Roll of film, Develope it and Find out a Tree Branch was blowing in front of the camera. Durring this time we wasted Film, and don't know whats been on the Bear site untill the film is Developed anyways. I think with a Digi Cam it would be instant and we usually jsut toss the Pictures away after the season. I'm guessing we go through 8-10 rolls of film ?

The only thing is sometimes we get a "MONEY" shot and we keep it. I'm guessing with the low res camera it would be for scouting and jsut that. Thanx for the Pictures Schmalts !!
BTW, you can veiw them in the field with a laptop, or even a camcorder. If the SD memory worked you could just swap out cards. Thats what i will do when i get one that works.